Wednesday 30 September 2015


of Esu-Elegba.

For many, it can simply be said that, Africa, is in all even simply said, a Continent, mired, and in all said Confusion, Conflict, Chaos, Crisis, Trouble etc., and with most simply having no said Clue or Idea too, and of the said best of manners in all, and of just how best, to simply live out their lives that is. That most have no said idea, and of what they are truly searching for, or seeking out too, and in an Africa, often too said, simply said in its ways in all, defined in all too, and by speak and of terms/words, and such as Endemic, Pandemic, and if not Perpetual too that is.

In saying that, speak of it all and as perceived, and from speak of the African World, does too, speak and of Africa, and as said too Lagging, Hopeless, Useless, Backward etc., but in speak now and of the African Worldview, does speak and of Africa, and as simply too said Diseased that is, is to now too say that, many out there, and in regard to all the above said, are probably in all, in search, or seeking out too, the very name, and of Esu-Elegba that is.

Esu-Elegba : Link

the Kenyan Cobra

The Kenyan Cobra.

or of Grieveance too: (Link).

When one does in all even, ponder, the very said best manners in all, and of going through life in itself, one then does probably in all realize, life can be said defined, simply, and by speak of Audiences, of Recollection, and if not of said Support (Supporters) too that is, of Agencies, of Agents. 

Of Teknolojia.

Of the Cobra, <--->, Of the life-force.

Of Grieveance.
+ Of Accommodation.

In now saying that, this very Blog in all, does too speak of Evolutionary Biology (Link), is to now too say that, Evolutionary Biology, and as often said very much to speak of life, and from the said even perspective of Extinction, now too, does ask of us, to in all even ponder, life, of Instinct(s). and from the said perspective of Addition, Culmination, Accumulation/Cumulation, Summation etc., and as said too, Evolutionary, and if not of in speak of life, and as perceived, and from speak and of the said Congenial in itself too that is.


of Mamba.

Of Teknolojia.

Of Mamba, <--->, Of Sense(s), of Sensitivity.

When we do talk of Mamba here, we are said referring, and to a said even, Type, and of Crocodile, smaller than the said common Kenyan Crocodile too (Link), and a Crocodile too, and that can too be said, and to speak, and of just what said Creature, Wildlife, and in Kenya, is best said representative, and of Kenya and as said a whole too that is.

Politics Africa

Politics Africa.

When we do speak of Politics here, we are in all even now, attempting to speak, and on the very said manner in all, Politics, do influence or impact, everyday African lives that is. That it all too, does attempt to very much take on, the said view, and that does too say that, Politics, does in all even deal, and with many an issue/matter in all, and as having to do, and with speak of Rule, or Regulation too. That this entry, and in attempting to make Politics a said part, and of everyday African life, does in all even associate it all, and with speak, and of what does pass for Decision-making in itself, and not in speak of Deliberation truly either.

That Politics, can now too, and as said African, and in further speak too of Politics Africa that is, be said to view, society in Africa in all, and as said evolving or changing too, constantly, daily, and as said to speak of Trust in itself, and not in speak and of what are said Key-issues/matters either that is. That Trust, and as said too African, and as said to refer and to speak of Politics too, now does ask of one, and of what too does pass for Example in all, and if not Lesson, and in regard to the following:

1. Appraisal
2. Accommodation
3. Applause
4. Appreciation
5. Approval
6. Attest

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Policy Africa

Policy Africa.

This entry, will serve, to address the very issue/matter in all, and of Policy in Africa, or Policy Africa too, and away from speak of Intellectualism that is, and onwards now, and to speak and of what too, can best be said to speak of Direction in itself that is. That Policy Africa, now too, does speak and of Perception in itself, but what we are trying to say here is that, African History in itself, is best said to speak of Direction in itself that is, and not of Meaning/Purpose truly either.

In having said that, is to now too, point out in all, the very said belief that, Africa and in Policy, and as said to speak of the Native, Tribal, Local, Regional, Consciousness etcetc., does too, best speak of Spain, and not of South Africa either that is. That Africans, can best truly benefit, and from knowing what Spain truly is, and from a said perspective and that does speak too of Policy, and in said comparison, and to speak of South Africa, and in Policy that is.

In having said that, now is to speak of Policy, and as said to refer, and to the following:

1. Symbol
2. Language
3. Culture
4. Society

Communism Africa

Communism Africa.

When we do talk of Communism, we are in all even referring, and not to speak of said Capitalist notions of Existence, but in all even, speak now and of Modes, and to a said Goal too that is. That it all too, could be said to speak, and of the very manner in all, one does too define Money, or Wealth in itself, and as said too, to very much speak and of what Ethic, Labour, or even Toil, are simply said to be. That in many a way too, speak now and of the said Human need, and in the name of exaggeration too, and in simply claiming oneself in all, and in Superiority that is, or speak too, and of what does pass for the effacing in itself, and in speak of ones perceptions, and of the Invincible too that is. That all this, does actually speak of the said issues/matters in all, those who do in all even it can be said here, practice Communism, do in all even believe in that is.

In having said that, is to now too, somewhat associate speak of Communism, or of Communism Africa, and with speak and of what too can be said Geo-Political that s. That in speak of Egypt, and of Communism, and of the Geo-Political too, speak now too, and of Libya, Chad, and the Sudan / Nubia too that is. That in speak of Italy and as such, speak too of the British Isles / Scotland, Western Europe, Central Europe, and of Eastern Europe too that is. In speak of Israel / Jerusalem as such, speak too of the Middle East, Central Asia, and if not of the Mediterranean world too that is.

In speak of Communism and Africa though, or of Communism Africa too, it too said Geo-Political that is, is to now too speak and of Africa, and as said Equatorial Africa, the Congo, and if not of Nigeria too that is.

Socialism Africa

Socialism Africa.

When we do in all even speak and of Socialism Africa, we are now too, referring, and to speak of Socialism in itself, and as said to refer and to speak too of Social Organization, and which too, does in all even refer, and to speak of a said Means to an End that is. In saying that, this entry, does in all even speak of Socialism, and from speak of Settings, and Contexts too, and not in speak of Bonds/Ties either that is, is to in all even add or say too that, it does too speak of World History in itself that is.

That in understanding this better, is to tackle said Beliefs here, and that do in all even say that, the Egyptians, were the first of all peoples (and in Custom too), or Israel, does too speak of God's Chosen people that is. That in all, Egypt and in Custom too, is believe to have many a said Influence, impactful, and from Ancient Nubia that is, while speak of Israel, does truly speak of the Hebrews, Egypt, and as said God's chosen people that is.

In having said that, is to now ask of Africans, and of the very manner in all, they do in all even relate to each other, and in speak and of what too, Mental Chains, Mental Colonialism, and if not speak of Mental Prisons too, are said to be, and as said to in all even speak, and of what a Matrix, Social, is said to be all about that is. In many a way too, and in regards and to speak of Israel, speak now, and of the said belief that, the goal of life, and as said African that is, does often have to do, and with the said developing of Courage in itself, and as often too said to speak, and of terms and such as Aki/Akin, or even 'Iwa Pele' too that is.

In having said the above, speak now too, and of Socialism, or of Socialism Africa that is, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of what the State, is said to be. That this in all too, does in all even refer, and to the History of the Egyptian State, and those of its Neighbours (and in speak of Libya, and Nubia in particular), but that in all again, speak today, and of Africans, and of their said views, and of the American State, or of the United States truly that is.

In having said the above, the mentioning now that, speak of the African State, can too, be perceived, and from speak of Egyptian History, and as said too, to speak, and of the very term/word of Cataracts that is [and of the Egyptians, and as simply said race too that is].

In now attempting to perceive, Socialism, or Socialism Africa, and from speak of society, is to now too claim or state that, societies outside Africa, have often been truly defined, and by speak of Conventionalism in itself. Egyptian society though, is believed even said complicated in its ways, for it is said too, driven, and by forces in all, and that do too speak of Mobilization in itself that is. Italy on the otherhand, does in all even develop complex societies, and that are too believed, simply defined, and by speak and of Migration in itself that is. In having said that, is to now too follow-through, and by simply saying that, African societies, are in all even it is believed, said truly defined in all, and by speak and of what one could term/call Methodicism that is.

Monday 28 September 2015

Sunday 27 September 2015


of Balozi Beer.

East Africa, Kenya.

In the said too that is, equating of, and of the said World today too that is, the World, of Africa, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Repetitive too that is, the Current, of said Frequency too that is, the Recurrent, of Continuity, the Concurrent etc. too that is, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Fill too that is, the Emotive, the Emotional, of Balozi, of said Satisfaction too that is, of Satiation, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, regard to, and to the said Politics too that is, and of said Nationalism too that is, of Colonialism, or if not in the said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Empathy too that is, of Sympathy, of Apathy, the Pathetic, of life, existence, reality, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Unsatisfactory too that is.

Of the said Fill too that is, of Mentality, of Quantification, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said Litre too that is, of Colonialism, the Quantified, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to talk too and of, and of the said Sudan too that is, of Nigeria, Countries, Sub-Saharan, and as in all said too that is, as Levelled, of Political lines, the Nationalist, the Colonialist, and if not in a said too that is, referral to, or in talk too and of, and of the said Imbalanced too that is, Mental, Psychological, the Not Satisfactory, of said Control too that is, of Self-Control, Psych., the Reasonable, [Link].

Of the said Fill too that is, of Problems, of Answers, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, the Finite, the Infinite, be as said of, and of the said Problem too that is, Mathematical, and which does and in all, even, equate, talk too and of, and of a said Line too that is, Finite, and as in all said as Divisible too that is, and by Half's, 2, repeatedly, and such that, the said End, Solution too that is, is and in all, said as of the Infinite too that is. In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Complete too that is, of Completion, the Satisfactory.

Of the said Fill too that is, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said World too that is, the World today, of Africa today, of the said Replete too that is, the Inherent, [Link], the Non-Satisfactory, of Africa, of India, the Innate, [Link], or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Balance too that is, of East Africa, of Kenya, of said Equity too that is, of Equilibrium, of Parity, of Uniformity, of Symmetry, of Evenness, of Correspondence etc. too that is.

of Balance.

The City of New York

The City of New York.

The African Girl

The African Girl.

The Impresario

The Impresario.

Spices Kenya

Spices East Africa.

What does, Spices Africa, truly in all stand for, or represent for that is? It can be said, to speak now, and of the very manner in all, Africa, and via speak of Kenya, does in all even connect  and to the rest of the World. That Spices Africa, now too, does in all even speak and of Kenya in all, and as said too, possessing a Broadcast culture, and that is too said having to it, or said incorporative, and of what too does pass for Broadcast in all, and in many another said place, and outside Africa too that is. That Kenya in all, does posses an Identity, or speak simply even, and of Kenyan Identity in itself that is, and that is said grounded in all, and in speak and of what Broadcast is said to be, and as said to in the very least, speak, and of what Spices, African too, are too simply said to be.

Saturday 26 September 2015

The Message

The Message.

- and in speak too now, and of the said African past that is.

the Orchestra

The African Orchestra.

There are many, and who do in all even truly believe, that Africa, did/does in all even, make, many a mistake, and after Independence is declared too, and on the Continent that is and so to say, and in regard, and to what does too pass for Development that is. That in helping put all this said, and into a clearer light, or proper perspective, is to now too, speak, and of what the Orchestra, is said to be. For the Orchestra, is in all even said Victorian, but Victorian too, and as said to speak of Kenya that is [and did in all even too, speak and of Kenya, Colonial Kenya, and as said home too, harmonious, and to many a said varying group/people that is].

That most in all, don't probably know History, and as said to speak, and of the Art Movement that is. That take America for instance, it too is said to arise, and in speak of Culture too, and that does in all even speak and of the very said term/word of Philharmony (and not Philharmonic truly either), for Philharmony (Link), does in all even speak of American Philosophy, and as said too encoded and in speak of Music Performance that is, but that in all again, it does too speak of or explain, and of why in all, many a said Castle, is known to exist, and on American Soil too that is. In saying that, Italy too, does have a similar History to it, is to now too associate Italy, and with speak and of what they do term the Symphony that is.

Orchestra though, is in all even said truly, a form of African Music Expression, and that can too, be said to speak of the Music, and of the Congo too that is. For the Orchestra, is heralded in all, and by the said figure too, and of the Maestro that is, and in now saying that, both America and Italy, do in all even arise and in a said manner in all, and that does speak of the Art Movement that is, and if not of the Assembly too, and as said to speak too now, and of Kenya, and as simply too having failed to in all even, to simply base its Development, and in speak of Culture too, and that would speak and of what the Orchestra is said to be [for the Orchestra, does too speak of the Congo, and as often said a Civil place too that is].


Friday 25 September 2015

the Escape

The African Escape.

This entry, does deal, and with the said question here, and of the said relevance in all, and of the said Contents of this Blog. In saying that, every said entry, could in all even speak and of Adventure (Link) in itself, is to now too say that, in speak of Africa, and of what life in it is said to be all about, and in speak too and of said Meaning/Purpose to it all that is, is to now too say that, it all does speak too and of the Escape in itself that is.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Digital Brazil

of Digital Brazil.

TV Cultura - Brazil (.........MNET).

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Contact too that is, of Contact, African, Human, of life, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Culture too that is, of Culture, of origins, or if not of said Culturism too that is, of Culturism, of Belief, of Thought, is to now say of it all, and as in all as said to, and to and in all, even, Translate into, or Lead to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Sphere of living too that is, of Spheres of living, or life, Religious, Social, Political, Economic, of Culturalism, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Public, or Private too that is.

Of the said Divide too that is, of Divisions, Cultural, Political, Historical, or if not of said Contact too, <--, Modern, Digital, or if not as said perceived too that is, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Gulf too that is, of Polarization, of Divergence, of Difference, or if not of said Seperation too that is.

Of the said Divide too that is, or if not of the said Gulf too, of Polarization, or if not in a said referral to, and to talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Brazil too that is, of Brazil, of South America, or if not of said Africa too, of Africa, of Angola, or if not in talk too of, in referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Contrasted too that is, of Contrast, of Linkings, of the said Continents too that is, or if not of the said World, or Globe too that is.

Of the said Divide too that is, or if not of said Divergence too, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Africa too that is, of Africa, of Sub-Saharan Africa, of Continental Africa.

Of the said Divide too that is, or if not of said Difference too, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Middle East too that is, of Arabia, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, the Regional.

Of the said Divide too that is, or if not of said Seperation too, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said India too that is, of India, Subcontinent, of Asia, Continent, of Subcontinental India, the Northern Hemisphere, the Western Hemisphere.


of Oxum.

When we do speak of the very name of Oxum, is to now too, refer, and to what is said African Religion, and outside Africa too. That it all too, does speak and of the Americas truly, and in truly now, pondering, and not of what does speak of the African Experience, or of the African Memory too, or what does in all again, speak too of African Blood that is, but in all truly, speak now, and of what the Slave Experience, but as said African too, was said to be. That Africans, and as said too a people, do in all even find it a said difficulty, and in defining themselves, and away, and from speak and of the Slave Experience, and as said too, a Moment too perhaps.

In now saying that, in viewing what does stand for said African Religion, and in the Americas too, and as perceived and from speak of Brazil, is to now too, first off, associate Africa, and in speak of this very Blog, and with speak and of Order in itself that is. That Africa, can too be said viewed, and in speak and of Place (and in speak too and of Counter 'Nairo'), or in speak of Space (and of 'Nairo'), and if not in speak of Settings, African, and of Anatolia (Link) too that is.

In having said the above, that this Blog does in all even speak of Order, is to now associate the Slave Experience, and in the Americas, Brazil, and as said African too, and with speak and of Order that is, and that does too see said African Religion in Brazil / South America, said now and to speak of Practise, African, but with that in the Caribbean, said to speak and of Formation, African, while that said to speak of the United States of America in all, said now and to speak of Design in itself that is. 

In now too saying that, the very name of Oxum, can too be said to speak of the name of Oshun (Nigeria), and not of Osun (Africa) truly either, is to now too, ground life in Africa, and not in speak of Lifestyle, Livelihood, or Living too, but in speak truly, and of what they do term City-life that is. That City-life in Africa, Sub-Saharan, can too be said to mirror that in all, said Brazilian too, and in now too saying that, it all does speak of Practise in Brazil, and as said matching that said too African, but that in all again, speak of the name of Oxum, and as said now meeting Africa too, Sub-Saharan, does in all even speak and of Order in itself, and as said Response too, and in many a Brazilian City that is, and as simply too said African in all.

Nationalism Africa

of Nationalism Africa.

In saying that, Nationalism Africa, does in all even differ, and from what one could too term/call African Nationalism, is to now too, associate the latter in all, and with speak and of the said defining of Communications, Political, and that do in all even refer, and to speak of Africa, and in speak too of Country, and if not region, but as said too, to refer, and to what is said Western, Modern, Traditional, Historical, National etc., and in such said region or Country too that is. That Nationalism Africa, does in all even differ, for it all too, does in all even actually speak, and of what are simply said Open Communications, and in speak too and of it all said even, Settings, and Contexts, and that are too simply said African that is.

In saying that, the History of Nationalism, is not what it appears to be, is to now attempt and to in all even place Nationalism, and as most do actually know it, and in speak and of what one could term/call, Pre-Revolutionary France that is (1789). That Revolution, does in all even come to France, and in the name of Nationalism, and that does too and in all even lead, and to the said developing of said Communications, Open too, and that do in all even bring together in all, all said French peoples that is, and in their now pondering, what in all, do the Bourgeoisie, and in France, truly stand for that is.

In saying that, French Nationalism, is in all even said too described, and in speak and of a said Arts Movement too, is to now associate such Art Movement in France, and with speak too and of the said Music Videos, Acoustic, and that can too be seen, and on a said Music Video Channel, Youtube, and such as 3eme Gauche (Link) that is. 

In saying that, Nationalism Africa, is too, very much associated in all, and with speak of the defining and of Open Communications, and that do too, speak and of what, Settings, and Contexts too, and as said African, are truly said to be, is to now too say that, the Music Video format in all, African, and that does too speak and of Music Channels, African, and such as Hip TV too for instance, and which do in all even, present their said Content, and in speak of Communications too, Open, and that do in all even speak of Nationalism Africa that is.

In finality though, is to now associate speak of Nationalism in Africa, or of Nationalism Africa too, and with said religion, African, and that does too speak of the said following:

1. spirit (Existence)
2. IFA (Name)
3. Oriki (Reality)

In talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said "spirit" too that is, of spirit, of spirits, now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too and of, and of a said Africa too that is, of Africa today, of Africans, and if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said Sudan too that is, of Sudan, of East Africa, and if not of said Nigeria too that is, of Nigeria, of Central Africa.

Of the said Sudan too that is, of Sudan, of Africa, Continent, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Monotype too that is, the Stereotype, of Organisms, [Link], of Hybridity, and if not of said India too that is, of India, Subcontinent, Asian, and if not in the said referring to, and to a said Nigeria too that is, of Nigeria, of Africa, Continental, and if not and as said too that is perceived, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said Phenotype too that is, the Genotype, of Genes, [Link], of Resistivity, and if not of said East Africa too that is, of East Africa, Region, African.

Of said "spirit" too that is, of spirit, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Conscientious too that is, of Conscience, of Conscientiousness, of the said Framing too that is, of Framings, of Frames, of Manifestation, of Presence, [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, simply, merely, truly, fully, of Maoni, [Link], and of the said matter too that is, of matters, the matterly, or if not of the said issue too that is, of issues, of spirits, the spiriting, the unnerving.

the Conscientious.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Spiritual Warfare

of Spiritual Warfare.

What in all, can Spiritual Warfare, be simply said to be? In placing it all, and in a said simple Context, and that does too, simply say, or claim too that, that life and in Africa, is simply said grounded in all, and in speak of Human/African Affairs that is, is to now too, associate everyday African life, and in success or failure, and with speak of Spiritual Warfare in itself that is. In having said that, is to now too, associate Spiritual Warfare, and in speak too of Nigeria, and with speak too of Elders that is, while in speak of Botswana, and of Spiritual Warfare, speak of Ancestors too, but in speak of Kenya, and of Spiritual Warfare, speak now, and of what one could term/call Medicines Africa that is [and not African Medicine truly either].

In having said that though, and in now too saying that, Spiritual Warfare, does in all even speak, and of what, one could term a Worldview, then is to now too say that, what they do call an African Worldview, and as said even Authentic and Genuine and in its ways too in all, and in speak too of Religion in Africa, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak of Praise in itself, is to now too say that, it all does actually speak of Religion in Uganda, African, and in now too claiming that, what they do call African Medicine, is actually truly said Ugandan too, and not West African truly either that is.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Christianity Africa

of Christianity Africa.

When we do talk of Christianity Africa here, we must in all, differentiate it all, and from speak of African Christianity, for the latter, does in all even speak of Christianity, and as said finding a home in Africa, while the former, does speak of Christianity, and as said finding a place, and in Africa too that is. That the said latter, African Christianity, is said too grounded in all, and in speak and of Animist Africa, and of the Congo too, while the said former, Christianity Africa, can too be said grounded in all, and in speak of Fetishist Africa, and if not of Kenya too that is. While many do often ponder, what said role, anything said African, does have to do, and with speak and of what does pass for Development in all, and in Africa too, the said average consensus to it all, can too, be said to speak, and of the the said belief that, it is what they do call, an African Response, and to just about anything, everything, and that is too simply said, beneficial, or said to matter too in all, and in speak of Africa that is. That such a said Response, does too speak of Animism, or of Fetishism too, and in now too saying that, what they do term/call the Church in Africa, does have its roots, and in Ethiopia, but that in all again, the Church in Africa, is often perceived ,and from the said Swahili term too, and of Kanisa that is, and a term, often known too, and to refer, and to speak of 'Black Africa' that is. 

In attempting to give a said Direction, and to this very post, and in speak too of what origins, or roots too, are said to be, is to now attempt to speak of History in all, and as most and as said African too, would in all even appreciate it that is. That for most out there, outside Africa that is, History is in all, or can too be said best perceived, and in speak and of Religion, and from speak of Italy too that is. That Africa, does differ, for History and as said too African, is best said too, perceived, and from speak of History that is, and a said Egyptian, Moor, Ethiope, and African too that is. That in saying that, History and as said outside Africa that is, is in all even said now Italian, is to now too, speak of History, and in said speak of Chronology, Timelines, and of Historical References too, and which has in all even lead, and to History, and as often said to speak, and of a said even Supreme Authority that is. 

In saying that, History is said Egyptian, is to now too, simply say it all Geo-Political that is, and in said speak too, and of the very rise of many a said reknowed City too, and if not of Upper Egypt, Middle Egypt, and Lower Egypt too (and of the Egyptian Pharaohs), and if not of many a said Kingdom, Country, Land, Territory too, but in said speak here too, and of the said birth/rise in all, and of America in itself too that is. That in many a way too, Greek History, is now too best perceived, and as said Egyptian, and in speak too now, and of the Library at Alexandria for instance. In saying that, History is too said Moor, is to now perceive it all, and from its said Egyptian roots, and not in speak of Spain truly either, for Moor History, now too, does speak and of what Wealth in all, is actually said to be, and with it all even now leading, and to the said birth of Banking, Mercantilism, the Classical Arts, Mathematical Disciplines, Architecture etc., but with it all too, said grounded in all, and in speak and of what one could best term/call in all, Freemasonry Christianity that is [that the world of the Moor, does not speak of the Christian, but of Christianity in itself that is]. In speak of History and as perceived and from speak of the Ethiope, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak, and of whom in all, are said, the Famous or Reknowed in all, and of Persons in all, and in regard, and to speak of History in itself that is. That the very name of Napolean, does more or less speak of the Ethiope, and in Europe too that is. It is in speak and of History and as said African though, and which surprisingly enough, does have its roots, and in speak and of what one too, could term Byzantium that is, for it is the said African Mind, often said Greek too, and if not Roman that is, and that is in all even believed, said to possess, the said instinct, and that does have to do, and with speak and of what Engineering is said to be that is. 

In having said the above though, is to now too speak and of Africa, and as most would know it, or understand it too. That there is a said differing version of History, and that does too refer, and to speak of Knowledge Bodies in themselves, and that does in all even associate speak of Egypt, and with Design, speak of Greece, and with Pattern, speak of Italy, and with Aesthetic, and in speak now too and of the Cretan/Greek world, and if not of the Macedonian Greek world too, and with speak and of what they do term Motif that is. In having said that, speak of Africa and as such, now too, does associate African Knowledge Bodies, and with the said difficult, Concept in all, and of what Style, is actually said to be. That Style, is something said possessed only by Black Panthers for instance, but can too, be said to speak and of a Virus in itself that is. In saying that, this too can be said to speak of African Christianity, is to now too say that, another Africa, and in regard and to speak of the above said, does exist, and in speak now of Christianity Africa, and which does have to do, and with speak and of what Textures, African, are in all even said to be [and in said speak too here, and of what Injury, Wounds, Harm, Damage etc., are in all even said to be].

 In having said the above, is to now truly speak, and of what Christianity Africa, is simply said all about. That it all, is too, simply said Perception, and Perception too, and that does in all even speak of the very manner in all, we do perceive just about everything, anything, and in speak and of our very environs too, and if not of the Human Body in itself that is. That it is the Egyptian World, and that does too perceive, many a thing, and in speak too of the Human Body, and in said speak now and of Ratios, and of Sizes too that is. That the African World on the otherhand though, does in all even concentrate, and in speak of Scope, and of Range too, but that in speak of African Christianity, speak now too, and of Breadth, and of Depth in itself too that is. Christianity Africa though, does differ, for it does in all even view everything, anything, and in a said two format manner in all, and that does too speak of the following:

1. Relic: And in said speak too now, and of what Descriptors are said to be.

2. Reverence: And in said speak too now, and of what Definers are said to be, and in regard, and to further speak too, and of said names, and such as that of IFA, and if not of Oxala too that is.

Monday 21 September 2015

Sunday 20 September 2015


of Orunla.

This very entry, does have to do, and with speak and of what, they do in all call, the Cult of the Ancestors. That in all again, many would in all ponder, why we do in all even bother, and in talking, and of our said Ancestors that is. That in many a way, said Philosophies, Modern too, and that do talk and of what they do term, the Common Good, have in all even resulted, and in a said distortion, and of what talk of Ancestors, is said to be all about that is.

In now too though, saying that, speak of Ancestors, has in all even been said associated, and with speak too of Adaptation in itself, and as often said to speak too of Wealth or Property Accumulation, is to now too, truly associate it all, and with speak and of names, and such as that of Esu/Eshu, Orunla, Orunmila (Egypt), Odudua, Elere-ipin / Ori-san-la (Nigeria) etc.

In attempting to make sense of the above though, the very belief that, it is in talk of Ancestors, and whereupon, a said understanding, and of what life is said to be all about, is to now refer, and to one, and as said Opening up, Embracing, or Awakening to life in itself that is, but that in all again, it all too, does lead and to talk, and of Genetic Bloodlines, Sacred Bloodlines etc., and of the said too here, and of one and as said exposed in all, and to the said Mysteries of life, and which too, do speak and of a said, life, and as truly well lived out that is.

In now too saying that, the said world and of the Ancestors, can be viewed, and in a two-fold manner in all, and that does on one said End, speak of Names, and on the other said End, speak of Heredity/Inheritance too that is, is to now too speak of life, and as viewed and from speak of Destiny in itself, and if not from speak of Regeneration  too, and all said too respectively that is. That in understanding all this too better, when we do speak of Ancestors, and of Names too, we are too, saying that, the African World in all, is said truly defined, and by speak of Names, and in said manners too in all, that most, do not often comprehend, for it is in speak of Names, and whereupon, one doe find that, the African World, does in all even define Materiality in itself, and in speak too of Names that is, and not of Terminology either [that in speak of a said example here, the said Swahili term/word, and for Chair, is in all even said a name, it too being Kiti that is]. In speak of Heredity/Inheritance though, speak now and of Ancestors, and as said not to speak and of the Ancestral that is, but that in all again, speak now and of what is said Existent, Inexistent, and if not Non-Existent too [and with it all even said to refer, and to what an Omen is, or in said speak too here, and of the very manner in all, one does view themselves it can be said, and as said even Distinct, Unique or Singular too, and if not in said speak now, and of what Alteration in itself, and of Altered States of Consciousness too, are in all even said to be that is].

of African Names.

Contemporary Logistics

of Contemporary Logistics.

This very entry, now too, does have to do, and with speak and of what too is said Research, and in Africa/Kenya (Link) today that is. That we are in all even here, referring, and to speak and of the said IBM Research Lab/Center, and in Nairobi, Kenya too, and which does in all even now associate, Research, and with speak too, and of the very said term/word, and of Optimization that is, and in said comparison, and to speak too, and of Standards/Ideals that is. That Optimization, does in all even speak, and of societies, and as said, simply Efficient in their ways in all, and in said comparison, and to speak and of Development, Progress, or Advancement too, and which does too speak of Ideals that is [and in speak too here, and of Kenya/Africa (Link) too that is].

In now saying that, what they do term Contemporary Logistics, does too it can be said, speak of a said better manner in all, and of perceiving or viewing, Research, and in Africa/Kenya today, is to now too, speak of it all, simply said to refer, and to our said definitions, and of what Measures, and Gauges too, are in all simply said to be.

That in attempting to make it all too coherent, speak now too, and of Contemporary Logistics, and as said to speak and of the Internet in itself, and in the said following manner in all:

1. The Harnessing of the Power of the Internet - Measures
2. The Unleashing of the Power of the Internet - Gauges

In all, and again, speak too, and of Research, and as said Regional, or Local too, and in said comparison to that said National too, and in now too attempting to ground it all, and in the said Science, and of Taxonomy that is.

Saturday 19 September 2015

the Victorian Play

The Victorian Play.

The Victorian Play.

Of Photography, Film, Art, and, Imagery.

Kindly said, or put.

If the said Victorians that is, the Victorian, the Neo-Victorian, the Victorianist, [Link], the Dickensian, did and in all, even, define themselves, and along the said lines too that is, and of the said Vestiges too that is, and of said Society, or Culture, Victorian, now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too of, and of the said Victorian Play too that is, and along the said lines too that is, and of the said Vestibules too that is, the Introductory, of Introductions, and of said Philosophy too that is, Victorian, of Philosophism, the Philosophic, the Philosophical.


of African Evolution.

In saying that, life is in all even said believed, Egyptian, is to now too say that, it is Egyptian definitions and of what life is said to be, and that are too, often believed, to truly matter. That said even Egyptian logic, Egyptian Symbol, the Egyptians Gods/Goddesses, Egyptian Calendars, Egyptian Festivities, Egyptian Ceremony, Egyptian Art etc., are often believed by many to actually speak, and of what is believed said to matter, and in regard, and to speak and of what too, is actually believed said Relevant, and in speak too of life in itself that is.

Africa though, has always differed, for Africans in themselves, can best be said, to have evolved in all, truly pondering, what Time, African Time, does in all even, have to say, and on just about anything, everything that is.

In saying that, a third Africa, does in all even exist, is to now too associate it all, and with speak of Evolution in itself actually, and of what too, is said to speak of African Blood that is, and if not, and of what, African Parentage in itself, is actually said to be [and if not in speak, and the said definer in all, and of the said, "the African people" that is].

In the said equating of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Evolution too that is, African, of African Blood, and to what can and in all too that is, be ass aid of, and of said Diversity too that is, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a/the said Dispute too that is, [Link], of Disruption, [Link], the Pharaonic, the Disruptive, and if not of said Constriction too that is, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to a said Africa today too that is, Kenya, East Africa, and in its said Development too that is, Modern, African, and as said too that is, nowly, perceived, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Diversity too that is, Egyptian, of Egyptian Diversity, and as in all said too that is, nowly, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of a said Africa today too that is, Modern, Regional, and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Egypt too that is, Nigeria, Kenya, and if not of a said South Africa too that is.

In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Egypt & the Middle East too that is, the Arab, and if not of said Africa & the Middle East too that is, of North Africa, the Islamic.

In the now, claiming, or saying that, that what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Diversity too that is, and in a said Africa today too that is, Modern, African, can too be as said that is, as best said perceived too that is, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Nigeria too that is, [Link], of West Africa, of Western Africa, of Diversity in Nigeria, of Nigerian Diversity, Political, Social, and if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Race too that is, the Divide, of Identity, the Split, and in a said too that is, World today, Africa today, the Sahel, [Link], [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Characteristic too that is, the Marker, the Nationalistic, the Identifier, of Africa, of Mauritania, of the said Middle East too that is, of Pakistan, and if not in the said too that is, referring to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Characteristic too that is, of the Marker in itself that is, of the said Nationalistic too that is, of the Identifier in itself that is, and as said too that is, bestly, perceived, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said India too that is.

In all and again that is, it can too be as said that, in talk too and of, and of a said India too that is, talk too now and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Consciousness too that is, of Awareness, Conscience, the Awakening, of Conscientiousness, and if not in a said too that is, reference, referral to, and to talk too and of, and of a said Africa too that is, and as in all best said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Contact too that is.

Of such said Diversity too that is, Nigerian, and if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Material Construct too that is, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and if not in said African History too that is, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Egyptian too that is, the Egypto-Nubian, of Egypt, [Link], of Nubia, [Link], the Soudan, [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Sudan too that is, of Sudan, [Link], the Nile Valley, [Link], of North East Africa, [Link], of said Northern, Southern Sudan too that is, of Phoenicia, of Middle Egypt, of South Sudan, Darfur, of East Africa, Kenya.

Of the said Material Construct too that is, of the said Mystery too that is, the Mysteries, Egyptian, of Egypt, [Link], and if not of said Secrecy too that is, of Biddings, Nigerian, of Nigeria, [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Histories too that is, and of said Colonialism too that is, Slavery, African, and if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in a said too that is, regard to, referral, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Kiswahili too that is, of Kenya, of Mombasa. In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said African too that is, the Africanized, and as best said too that is, nowly, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Sudan too that is, of Art, of African Art, of said Abyssinia too that is, [Link], of East Africa, the Church, the African Church, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said Bantu too that is, of Bantu Africa, of Language, of African Language. In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Colonialism too that is, of Slaverism, Modernism, [Link], the Histories, and as said too that is, bestly, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Language too that is.

Of the said Nile Valley too that is, the Nile Valley Civilization, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Kerma too that is, of Kush, Nubia, of Kemet, of Axum; of the said Sudan too that is, the Great Sphinx, of Abu Simbel, the Meroitic, of Amir Hamza, [Link], [Link]; of said North East Africa too that is, of Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, of East Africa.

In all and again that is, all this is too said that is, of the above said, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to said perceptions too that is, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Obvious too that is, the Straight, the Direct, the Literal, the Linear etc. too that is, [Link], of Translations, [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Egyptian Sun too that is, of At-n, [Link], of Jua, [Link], [Link], [Link], Kisw., the 3rd, Third Sun, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Pyramidic too that is, [Link], [Link], the Nile River, [Link], the Saharan, [Link].

In all and again that is, in the said equating of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Diversity too that is, of Nigeria, and to the said Political Climate too that is, [Link], African, now is to and in all, even, refer to, of Nigeria, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Islamism too that is, of Christianity, of Ethnicism, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Fulani, of Modernism, of Mali, the Agbada, [Link], of Texturality, [Link], [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Sudan too that is, the African Print, [Link], the African Political Climate, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to said perceptions too that is, historical, political, and of the said Meroitic too that is, the Greek, the Biblical, the Egyptian, the Uraeus, [Link], the Roman, the Abyssinian, and if not of said Byzantium too that is, [Link].

In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said East Africa too that is, Kenya, of Nairobi, the City, the City of Nairobi, [Link], [Link], of said Texturality too that is, of Kenya, the Kenyan, the Sudanese, of South Sudan, and if not in a said too that is, referral to, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said African Print too that is, of Abyssinia, [Link], [Link], the Abyssinian, the East African, of Botswana.

**In the said referring to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Matter of Contention too that is, Political, Historical, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to a said America too that is, [Link], the United States, [Link], and of its said Constitutional Powers too that is, and as said too that is, as able, to and in all, even, extend, across, said Borders too that is, Political, Historical, the Dignitary, and if not and as said too that is, perceived, as such, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said Delegate too that is, of Canada, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Kenya, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too and of, and of said perceptions too that is, African, Political, and of the said Sudan too that is, the Envoy, [Link], of Nigeria, the Ambassador, of Kenya, the Diplomat, and if not of said India too that is, the Emissary, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, the Basis, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Equatorial Africa too that is, Nigeria, Kenya.

In all and again that is, talk too and of, and of such a said Matter of Contention too that is, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Politicized too that is, the Historicized, [Link], the Centrific, [Link], of Uncle Remus, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, nowly, be as said of, and of the said even now, evenly, of the said Cotton Curtain too that is, [Link], [Link], [Link], or if not in a said referral to, in regard, nowly, and to what can and in all, be as said of, Historically, Politically, and of the said Iron Curtain too that is, [Link], of Russia, the USSR, the Cold War, or if not of the said even now Americas too that is, of America, of Latin America, the U.S.A. 

the Cotton Curtain.

Mental Frames
Slaves (1969) | Dionne Warwick - Movie
Tina Turner - Don't Wanna Fight MV

the Centrific.