Saturday 26 September 2015

the Orchestra

The African Orchestra.

There are many, and who do in all even truly believe, that Africa, did/does in all even, make, many a mistake, and after Independence is declared too, and on the Continent that is and so to say, and in regard, and to what does too pass for Development that is. That in helping put all this said, and into a clearer light, or proper perspective, is to now too, speak, and of what the Orchestra, is said to be. For the Orchestra, is in all even said Victorian, but Victorian too, and as said to speak of Kenya that is [and did in all even too, speak and of Kenya, Colonial Kenya, and as said home too, harmonious, and to many a said varying group/people that is].

That most in all, don't probably know History, and as said to speak, and of the Art Movement that is. That take America for instance, it too is said to arise, and in speak of Culture too, and that does in all even speak and of the very said term/word of Philharmony (and not Philharmonic truly either), for Philharmony (Link), does in all even speak of American Philosophy, and as said too encoded and in speak of Music Performance that is, but that in all again, it does too speak of or explain, and of why in all, many a said Castle, is known to exist, and on American Soil too that is. In saying that, Italy too, does have a similar History to it, is to now too associate Italy, and with speak and of what they do term the Symphony that is.

Orchestra though, is in all even said truly, a form of African Music Expression, and that can too, be said to speak of the Music, and of the Congo too that is. For the Orchestra, is heralded in all, and by the said figure too, and of the Maestro that is, and in now saying that, both America and Italy, do in all even arise and in a said manner in all, and that does speak of the Art Movement that is, and if not of the Assembly too, and as said to speak too now, and of Kenya, and as simply too having failed to in all even, to simply base its Development, and in speak of Culture too, and that would speak and of what the Orchestra is said to be [for the Orchestra, does too speak of the Congo, and as often said a Civil place too that is].
