Saturday 7 January 2017

the Sudanese Institute

The Sudanese Institute.

This said entry, of East Africa, Kenya, South Sudan, does have to do, or of the said Sudanese Institute too, and with many another said previous entry and on this said Blog too, of Anti 'Nairo', and on the said of best of manners in all, and in simply defining in all that is, what is said to speak, and of a said even East African Identity that is. In many a way, the very questioning, and of just why in all, East Africa, should in all even truly exist, and as said too an Independent Political Entity that is, and away too, and from its said too Constituent and not Individual Countries either that is.

In saying that, many do in all, not truly fathom or realize, and if not as said to understand, the very said nature that is, and of what is said Existence in itself [Link], now is to in all even simply associate it all, and with talk of both the EAF, East African Federation, an if not of the EAC, East African Community, and in said speak too now, and of what can too be said to speak, and of said even Political Existence that is, and if not of what is said too Individual Subsistence in itself that is [Link]. In saying that, a said Secretariat [Link1, Link2], is in all even said to exist, and in its said even serving in all, the said even members of the EAF, and if not of the EAC too, now is to in all even call on the question, and on what is probably said Independence, and if not of what is said Autonomy in itself too, and of the said too reason, the EAF, or EAC, does too and in all even is said to actually Exist that is. 

That in simply putting the above said and in a said simple stance too, we can too be said even to speak and of life and as said even perceived now, and from the said too search, and of what is in all, is too simply said Individual that is. That the said even search, and for what is said Individual is probably all there is to life, and in said speak too now, and of understanding it all too, and from speak and of the said even role or existence and of the Church, or U-Kanisa [Link], and in East Africa too, as said even to speak and of what is said Individual, and from talk too and of what is said Spiritual Warfare [Link], and if not of what is said to speak here and of Celebrations Africa [Link] too that is.

In too saying that, speak and of what is said African Civilization, and from the said even perspective and of East Africa, does too now and in all ask, and of who in all too, is simply said the Individual [Link] that is, the African [Link] too, now is to simply attempt to in all differentiate talk of East Africa, and from said too talk of Egypt, Nubia and of the Sudan too, and if not of the said name too of Ethiopia that is. That all three said, but in speak truly and of Egypt and of Nubia, have in all, or do in all even attempt to truly define themselves, and in talk truly and of what is said Identity, Historical too, and not in speak either, and of what is said Individual [Link] truly that is. That in too saying that Identity, is too said to speak and of what Political Ideology in itself is in all even actually said to be, now is to speak and of what is best said here Immeasurable too that is, and in said comparison now, and to what is said Individual, and that can too be said even to speak, and of what is said Reference in itself, and if not of what is said Citation in itself too that is. In saying that, East Africa, or of those in East Africa, may too be said to in all, lack any said proper Power to them, and that does too speak and of what Survival, History, Evolution etc, are in all even said all about that is, now is to claim that, in speak of what is said Reference, or of what is said too Citation, it all too now believed said to speak, and in speak and of what is said Colonial, and if not of what is said Swahili too that is. That in understanding just why in all, East Africa. might never truly attain its said in all too, Ambitions that is, now is to in all even associate talk and of what is said Citation, and in Africa, and with talk too and of that name said Egypt, and in History too, but in talk of what is said Reference, probable best speak too now, and of the said even History of Nubia that is, and if not as said to speak, and of the said too here name of Abu Simbel that is.

In too now saying that, what is said Citation, and if not of what is said Activity [Link] too. does too and in all probably best speak and of the said even Egyptian University too, and of what is said Reference, now too said even to speak and of what is said Nubian, Sudanese, African, and if not in the said Practice too, of Sudan, of Practises, the Sudan, of Genes, african, of Surfaces, of Textures, -->, of Layerings, and if not of the said name of Abu Simbel too, now is to in all even attempt to in all too truly ground, East African Identity, and with talk too of the Church, U-Kanisa, and as mentioned in the said third paragraph above, and away too and from talk of what is said to speak of Ethiopia, or of Italy too, [Link], and in too claiming that, East Africa, and as said even now to cover talk of both Rwanda and Burundi, and if not into the said Swahili lands too, can too be said even best defined in all, and by talk and of what does too speak and of Museology [Link] that is, and if not of the said too Curator [Link] that is.