Wednesday 23 September 2015

Spiritual Warfare

of Spiritual Warfare.

What in all, can Spiritual Warfare, be simply said to be? In placing it all, and in a said simple Context, and that does too, simply say, or claim too that, that life and in Africa, is simply said grounded in all, and in speak of Human/African Affairs that is, is to now too, associate everyday African life, and in success or failure, and with speak of Spiritual Warfare in itself that is. In having said that, is to now too, associate Spiritual Warfare, and in speak too of Nigeria, and with speak too of Elders that is, while in speak of Botswana, and of Spiritual Warfare, speak of Ancestors too, but in speak of Kenya, and of Spiritual Warfare, speak now, and of what one could term/call Medicines Africa that is [and not African Medicine truly either].

In having said that though, and in now too saying that, Spiritual Warfare, does in all even speak, and of what, one could term a Worldview, then is to now too say that, what they do call an African Worldview, and as said even Authentic and Genuine and in its ways too in all, and in speak too of Religion in Africa, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak of Praise in itself, is to now too say that, it all does actually speak of Religion in Uganda, African, and in now too claiming that, what they do call African Medicine, is actually truly said Ugandan too, and not West African truly either that is.