Wednesday 16 September 2015

the Original Man

The Original Man.

This very entry, can too be said to speak, and of the very attempt, to free many an African, and from what one too, could term Mental Shackles that is. That it all too, does pass for what is said to speak too of Identity, American that is, and in now referring, and to speak and of said American Superiority in all, and if not Supremacy too, and in regard and to just about many a thing that is. That Americans, can too, be said even, a primordial people, and who are in many a way too, said too African that is. 

That in understanding all this better, is to now refer, and to speak, and of whom in all, the Original Man, and as said American too, is said to be. For he in all, is said too, what in all some do term, a Proto-Ancestor that is, and in now truly asking of one, and of whom in all, is said, to have been the very first person, or Human too, and to have ever made that is, the first said known Cup that is [and where before, only drinking vessels, and drinking bowls too, did in all exist].

In saying that, Africa, does differ in many a way, and from what does go in America, is to now too, trace this said tradition, and of what one too could term the Original Man, and to Ancient Egypt in itself that is. That it was in Egypt, and where it was too, first conceptualized it can be said, that Man, or the Human too, is simply said defined, and in speak and of what Breathe, is simply too, said to be. That Breathe, is now too, said to speak, and of what Kundalini, or Yoga too, Tantric, is said to be, but that in all again, speak now, and of the Chakra systems, and as said to refer and to the Human in himself, and as said now defined, and by speak and of Breathe in itself, and if not in speak, and of what too, one is said attached too that is [and in further speak too now, and of what too does pass, or serve for, the Meaningful, and in life too that is, and in said regard and to speak too here, and of what Wasted Time, is too said to be that is]. 

In saying that, the Chakra system, is too said Indian, or South Asian too, is to now refer, and to it all too, said grounded in all, and in speak and of the Groin, and of the defining and of what, Manliness, or Womanliness too, are said to be, and if not of Manhood, Womanhood, Familyhood, and of Nationhood too that is.

The said Egyptian World though, did have an alternate manner in all, and of defining the Human, or Man too, and that did in all even speak, and of the said Pyramid Builders of Egypt that is. That it all too, does ask of one, and of what too is said Light, Sound, and if not and of what is said Terminal too that is. That this all, and in speak too of the Original Man, does speak and of one, and as said too an Adherent, and to many a said too olden practice that is. That in speak and of what is said the Light, speak now and of the Heart beating endlessly, and of what is said Sound, of what the Voice too is said to be, and of the Terminal, speak too and of Touch, Healing, and of the Solar Plexus too that is. That hopefully, one can see, the Pyramids in Egypt, at Gaza, and as simply said defining the Egyptian as such, and in speak of Egyptians, and as acknowledging themselves, and as said a people, and if not race too that is.

Africa though, does too know itself, and in speak of the Original Man [or of what too, is said to serve for Pride, African too]. That the African world and so to say, is said to arise too, and in speak and of what Fetish, is simply said to be. For Fetish, and not Fetishism truly either, is said to speak and of the Earth, and as it actually truly is, for it all too, does not speak and of one and as said Sensitized that is (and of Fetishism too), but that Fetish, can now too, be said approached, and from a said even Freudian, or Jungian perspective too, and that does too speak and of what the Oral, and the Anal too, are too said to be. That in speak of the Oral, speak now too, and of what said Amount, and of anything, one is in all even capable in all, and of taking in or handling that is, and in regard too, and to a said even Time Interval that is. That in speak of the Anal, speak now too though, and of what Retention in all, is actually said to be.

In saying that, this Blog, is too associated and with speak of Fetish, is to now too say that, it though, does too, attempt to deal and with, or answer too, the said question, and of what a Human, is simply said to be. For the Human, or in speak too of the Human Body, is said too something to truly marvel at, and in now too saying that, it is the Human, and who is believed, to be said truly perfect in Response, and of every of God's, Animal creations that is. That hopefully, all this is understood, and in now too saying that, what is been said here is that, nobody does actually know, what the Human, or the Human Body that is, truly is, and in speak now and of an ever beating Heart that is (and in Sleep too), but what we are trying to get at here, is that, it is the very question, and of what the Human, is said to be made of, and that does truly matter in all, and in now telling one too that, it all too, does speak and of what Illness in all, or Sickness too, is actually said to be. That in the very least, speak now and again, and of what Response, is actually said to be (and in speak too and of the very name of Obaluay-e for instance), but that in all again, it does too now refer, and to those too, and who do in all even believe themselves, made of Physical Matter truly, simply not acknowledging, or registering in all, that the Human, is simply said defined, and in (or by) Experience, and if not in (or by) Memory too that is, and not by what, does too pass for the Rational for instance.