Wednesday 2 December 2015

Nubian Civilization

of Nubian Civilization.

In speak of the said History of Civilization, and from a said Nubian perspective too, is to now call into question, the very manner in all, most do perceive, what some could term Health in itself. That Health, is a topic best viewed, perceived or studied too, and from speak and of Africa that is, for it does in all even incorporate into it, speak, and of Viruses for instance, and of Adaptation to such that is. That Health, and in Wealth, Wisdom or Experience too, is often perhaps said believed Egyptian, and in now equating it all, and to speak too and of what Chi, and if not of Ki, Qi, or Prana too that is, are in all even said to be.

In saying that, alot of the World, does define Health, and in similar said manners in all, and to those said Egyptian, is to now though, associate Africa, and with said differing in all, definitions of Health that is. That this entry, now does have to it, the very view that, speak of Civilization, can best be said equated, and to speak too and of what Health is said to be, and as said too encompassing, every said facet in all, and of what does constitute in all again, and for the Human too that is. 

That take Africa, and outside speak of Egypt, one does in all even find that Health, is to now too, very much equated, and to speak too, and of Regeneration in itself, and along the very lines, and of the said works, and of Robert Becker too for instance, and such as the Body Electric too for instance, and if not of said Cross Currents too that is. That this manner in all, and of viewing Health, of Jointings, of Joinments, does too differ, and from that said found in Christianity, and of the name of "Jesus Christ" too, and which does in all even equate Health, and to speak too of Alchemy for instance, and if not of the said Missal too.

In saying that, there is an African Health, and that does too talk of Viruses, and if not of Adaptation to such, is to associate such talk, and not only with speak of this Blog, but to speak too, and of a said Christianity tradition, and that does equate Health, and to speak too and of what one could term U-Binadamu that is, Kisw., and in speak too and of the said Christ Consciousness too that is, (Link), and as often said as equated to, and to that too said to speak and of the said Pharaohs of Egypt too that is.

This entry though, does specifically, attempt to speak, and on Nubian Civilization, and as said having to it, a said even unique Health to it all, and which surprisingly enough, is too believed said the very Health, possessed, and by the said too, Architects, of the Egyptian Pyramids that is [this though, cannot be proven here, but it is believed to be true, and by those who do in all even acknowledge, the very role Nubia in all, did play, and in the said rise too, and of said Egyptian Civilization too that is].