Saturday 12 September 2015

Group Psychology

Family/Group Psychology.

This entry, now too, does deal and with the said belief that, what they do term/call the Family, African, and as said too, Psychological in formation, does not truly exist anymore, and what we do truly have in Africa today, and in the very least said too, is too, what they do term (Community) Make-up/Profiles (Link) that is, but Make-up/Profiles too, and that can too be said Historic, Genetic, Individual, Institutional etc. That hopefully, what is been said here, is understood, and in now too saying that, the said Death in all, and of the African Family/Group, does not only speak and of Institution in Africa today, but what we are trying to say here, is that, Africa today, is not believed said Organized in all, and in a said coherent manner that is, and that does too speak of Families, but that in all again, is said too, simply said Organized in all, and in manner in all again, and that could too best be said, to speak and of Community Spaces that is.

In having said that, is to now too, attempt to speak and on the Family/Group, and in Africa, and as simply said, the very manner in all, or vehicle too, and by which one does truly in all, define, Potential in itself, Human, African, and if not of Success in itself too that is. That the Family/Group in Africa, can too be said here, Ancestors, Elders, and of the Family/Group in itself, and as now said too, defined, and not in speak of Psychological Profiles truly, but as said now, rising, and to the very levels of Psychiatry, and if not in speak too of Lineages, Ancestral too, and in now truly saying that, the African Family/Group, is in all even said believed, simply grounded in all, and in speak too and of what the Subconscious Mind, African, is said to be that is. In all, the Subconscious Mind, African, only truly known, and via speak and of one, and as said Man/Woman too, Human that is, and as now said attaching, many a said even Symbol, or Image too, and to simply whom/who in all, one is, and in talk of Ancestors, and if not of Elders too that is [that what we are trying to get at here, simply does in all refer, and to whom/who in all, or what, the Human is said to be, and in his now attempting, to simply explain, the least of his said Actions that is].

In having said the above, is to now too, speak and of the Family/Group in Africa, and alongside speak here too, and of said even African Voices that is. That the Voice, is believed said too, something truly complex in its ways in all, and in manifestation too, and that does too talk, and of the said first of Humans too, and if not of evolution and of the Human too, and of Humans societies today too, and as said perceived and from speak too of Mediacentrism in itself that is, but that in all again, it does too, and at a said Family/Group level that is, speak and of one and as said even finding, their true Voice that is, and something too, and that does not only lead and to talk of Individuation for instance, but in all again, Intelligence now, Human, and as said to speak too of Valuation in itself, and if not of Appreciation in itself too that is.

In saying that, there is more to all this, just what Family/Group Psychology, is too simply said to be, is to now too, talk of the We, and of the Us that is. That the Family/Group in itself, could be said defined, and by speak and of the Are, but in speak of the We, and of the very belief that, a Human, cannot be said truly separate, and from his said environs, or of those said of ones Ilk, Kind or Type too, is to now too, say it all grounded in all, and in speak and of the very manner in all, we do Measure, or Quantify anything that is, but that in speak of the Us too, speak now and of those said to be of ones Blood, Gene or 'Health' too that is, and if not of one and as said defined truly, and in speak of Impartiality in itself, and of the said term, wording too, and not of Grand Ancestors, or of the Guardian Ancestor either, but in speak now truly, and of the very term/word and of Ancestor, and as taken solely, and in its meaning too that is.

In all, and in making all the above said too clear, is to now attempt to associate it all, and with speak and of African Family/Group Spaces that is, and which do in all even speak, and of associating the above said, and with a said too Family/Group Expression that is, and that does too refer and to speak of Independence, and Autonomy too, and that does too here, probably ask of one, and of the very manner too, they do define, Thievery, and if not Theft in itself, and in Expression too, and if not of Expression that is, and of the said kind in all, and that does speak of the Parrot, African, and that Parrot too, African, that they do to call the Kasuku that is [for the Kasuku, is not said Parrot truly, or Parakeet either, but is actually believed said, the said Parrot, and that is truly capable of Speech in itself that is]. In all, what we are trying to say here is that, this said Expression, and that does too talk and of Family/Group Spaces, is believed said even something Sacred in its ways in all, for it does in all truly free one, and from the said Family/Group, but as said too allowing for one, and to simply Retain ones self in all that is.

In all, and in attempting to close on all this, the said belief here that, Africa today, and in speak of Ancestors, is said too defined, and by speak of Botswana, and with speak of Elders, said too, and to speak of Nigeria that is, but in speak of the Subconscious Mind, speak now and of Africa, and of Egypt too that is. However, this entry or Blog, does in all attempt to claim that, African Family/Group Psychology, does in all even best speak, or is said too, truly grounded in all, and in speak of the Congo that is.