Sunday 20 September 2015

Contemporary Logistics

of Contemporary Logistics.

This very entry, now too, does have to do, and with speak and of what too is said Research, and in Africa/Kenya (Link) today that is. That we are in all even here, referring, and to speak and of the said IBM Research Lab/Center, and in Nairobi, Kenya too, and which does in all even now associate, Research, and with speak too, and of the very said term/word, and of Optimization that is, and in said comparison, and to speak too, and of Standards/Ideals that is. That Optimization, does in all even speak, and of societies, and as said, simply Efficient in their ways in all, and in said comparison, and to speak and of Development, Progress, or Advancement too, and which does too speak of Ideals that is [and in speak too here, and of Kenya/Africa (Link) too that is].

In now saying that, what they do term Contemporary Logistics, does too it can be said, speak of a said better manner in all, and of perceiving or viewing, Research, and in Africa/Kenya today, is to now too, speak of it all, simply said to refer, and to our said definitions, and of what Measures, and Gauges too, are in all simply said to be.

That in attempting to make it all too coherent, speak now too, and of Contemporary Logistics, and as said to speak and of the Internet in itself, and in the said following manner in all:

1. The Harnessing of the Power of the Internet - Measures
2. The Unleashing of the Power of the Internet - Gauges

In all, and again, speak too, and of Research, and as said Regional, or Local too, and in said comparison to that said National too, and in now too attempting to ground it all, and in the said Science, and of Taxonomy that is.