Sunday 20 December 2015

African Spiritism

of African Spiritism.

When we do in all talk of Spiritism, it is to perhaps best now, ground it all, and in speak too of, and of what Peasantry, is in all said to be. That Peasantry, is too often acknowledged, and as said a part of the Official History of Kenya too that is, and such that, it is often too said to give, credence, or as said to validate too, the said Peoples Revolt, said often Kikuyu too, and that did in all come to be said as termed, or called, the Mau Mau Revolt that is. In saying that, there are those as said Peasants in Kenya, is to now engage in Religious speak, for some of those termed Kikuyu, are actually said as Peasants, while many another said group similar to the Kikuyu, and such as the Kamba or Meru too, are actually not said as Peasants, but do actually live Rural lifestyles of a kind that is, but with the Embu, fully believed said as Peasants, and such that, it can too be acknowledged in all that, those said Kikuyu, and Peasants, are actually said as Embu too that is, of GEMA.

In now restating that, Spiritism, is too said the Religion of the Peasant, is to now speak of Spiritism, and as said to refer to, and to speak and of a life said as Depicted, or speak too even, and of a life said as Portrayed that is [and if not in speak of everyday life in all, and as said too perceived, and from speak too, and of the said Depiction/Portrayal too that is].

of Spiritism.

In now too saying that, that Spiritism, of Contact, or speak too of African Spiritism, of Interfaces, African, does in all even have its own said Worldview, and aside from that, said to speak of Nationalism for instance, African, and of Africa and as often said too defined, and in talk of Communications too in particular, is to now say that, the Spiritist Worldview, and as often said to speak of Religion, and that does believed in the Possessed, now does associate, speak of the World and as it is, and of its said myriad of problems too that is, and with it all even perceived in all, and as said White, Elitist, and if not as said as Feminist too that is. Something in all, this said Worldview, difficult to expound on, for it is often said best correlated to that is, and to speak too of, and of what the Major, and of the Majority too, and of what the the Minor, and of the Minority too, are in all even said to be that is. That in speak of the World as such, from this said Spiritist Worldview that is, speak too now and of, and of the said Possessed too that is, and as said now to refer, and to speak too of Demonic Possession in itself, and if not in speak too of, and of beliefs, and in said Demons in themselves too that is.

In saying that, speak of Demons, and of Demonic Possession, of Spiritism, of spirit, does too speak of those said as Mentally Irate, or Mentally Disturbed too, is to now not only associate such said Psychological conditions, and with speak too of, and of the said Peasant History of Kenya too that is, and which is in all believed said even to lead to, and to the said Mau Mau Revolt too that is (though it can best be said here that, those said a part of the Mau Mau in itself, were never actually Peasants), is to now and again though, present, a said alternate view and of Kenyan Colonial History, and that does in all even speak of the limiting, and of the said Distribution too that is, and of said needed Resources, and to those said needing them too that is. For the said Needy here, were none other than Peasants in Kenya, best identified as Embu too, Murang'a town, but the reason for not aiding them, does in all even speak of Kenya's History, Pre-Independence, and as said racialized in all, and around speak of Swahili Identity in Kenya too that is. That the said events in all, and that do lead to the Mau Mau Revolt in itself, are not exactly known, but while many do associate it all, and with speak and of names and such as those of Harry Thuku (Non-Peasant) for instance, what can best be said here, is that, the said problematic stance, and of grounding Identity in Kenya today too, and via speak and not only of Swahili Identity in Kenya too that is, and of the said Swahili Experience too that is (for Swahili Identity, does too see its way, and into the Middle East), is too believed in all said as to speak of Kenya, of Kenyan history, and as said too possessing, a said even Racial Climate that is, of Racialism, and that does in all even see to what, one could in all too term as said as of a Mau Mau like sentiment, and as said a part of everyday Kenyan life, and to this very day too that is.

In saying that, the History of the Peasant, does appear, is much in all, said as magnanimous in its ways, and than most would believe to be, is to now place it in a said Context, and that does too speak of, and of the said Official Histories, and of said New York City, Rome, and if not of Beijing too that is. That the said History of Modern New York, now too, is said to arise, and with speak too of Irish Immigrants, and into New York too, and with they too merely described as Peasants that is. That speak of New York City today, and in said Success too, now does speak of it said History, said too Peasant (Link), and if not in speak too, and of a life and as said Depicted or Portrayed too, now does too say it as Italian-American in many a way too that is. Th at the said Rise of the Roman Civilization, and of Rome, and if not of the said name of Caesar too, is believed said tied to, and to speak too of, and of the said Politics of the Peasant too that is, and which are too, said to speak too of the Mau Mau Revolt for instance. Speak though, and of Peasantry in China, cannot only be said to speak of Chinese History, and as said Mandarin \ Cantonese that is, but in all again, it is this History of Peasantry in China, and in said comparison, and to that, which does too speak of Rural China in itself, and that can be said truly responsible, and for the said even rise in all, and of the very name too, and of Beijing in itself that is of Peking, or if not of a said Modern China too that is.