Sunday 13 September 2015

Macumba: An African Philosophy of War

Macumba: An African Philosophy of War.

In speak of War here, and as said too, in regard and to speak of Africa too, it is all said to refer, and to talk of Mitigation in itself that is, and as said too, a fundamental African Experience in all, and if not in speak too of, what does in all even pass, and for an African Identity in itself that is. That what we are trying to say here, is that, Africans, don't truly often engage in War in itself, but have been known to engage in what too, one could term a Jogo, or a Game or Play too, and in said speak here too, and of War Games that is, and that in all again, it is this said facet of African life, and if not component too, that Africans today, do in all even fail to realize (or fathom too), and in regards, and to what too does truly pass for African Identity in itself that is. That it all too, could be said and to speak and of the very name in all, and of the Nago too that is.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Africa too that is of Africa, of Formations, of African Formations, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Centric too that is, of Centrism, African, now is to and in all, even, posit, talk too of, and of said Africa too that is, of Africa, the Formative, the Formational, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said View too that is, of Views, of Africa, of Perspectives.

Of the said View too that is, of Views, African, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Birds Eye-View too that is, of Hawks, African, of said East Africa, of the said Sudan, of Kenya, of South Sudan, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Aerial View too that is, of East Africa, of Kenya, of the said Sudan, of Sudan, of South Sudan, or if not in a said referral to, of Views, of Africa, of African Views, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said identity too, of Identity, or if not of the said Centred too that is, of Centrings, [Link], of Centrism, African.

Of said identity, African, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Body too that is, of Bodies, the self, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Reach too that is, of Stances, of Stands, of Heights, of Climbings, -->, of Bodies, African, the Reach, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Memory too that is, of Memory, African, the African Memory, of Agency, of Truth, the Reaching-in, the Reaching-out, or if not in a said regard to, of Memory, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Performance too that is, of Performance, the Performing, or if not of the said Event too that is, of Events, the Eventful.

Of said Identity, African, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Enbodiment too that is, of Enbodiment, the self, or if not in talk too of, of Bodies, of Figures, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said State too that is, of States, African, of Status, or if not in a said referral to, of Memories, African, of African Memories, the Reminiscent, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Aim too that is, of Aim, of Aimings, African, of Forms, of Builds, of Outlines, or if not in talk too of, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Aid too that is, of Aids, of Aidings, African, or if not of the said Figural too that is, of Figures, of Figurings, African, of Figuration.

That African Identity today, does best still talk and of the very name of the Nago, and as often said too Yoruba that is, but could too be truly said Benin that is, and in now referring, or speaking too, and of the said Facets of African life, and if not in speak and of Physicality, African, but in said speak too and of Component that is, and of Africans too, and in Task, Agency and Resource too that is. That what is actually been said here is that, we do in all, live, and in a said English-speaking World that is, but in speak now and of African life and as described or defined, and in speak of Facets, or Components too, the very belief that, the English Language, is not what it actually does appear to be, for it is often too, associated, and with speak of Revolution, and that does too speak of Industry, Commerce, Banking, Technology etc., and which does in all even too, refer, and to speak too of the said Domination, and of many a people too that is. What though is been said here is that, Language, and in regards and to speak of Europe and Africa, can now too be said perceived, and as said Greek, and African too that is. For many in all, do not actually know the History of English, and as said to refer, or speak of the Moor, and as said African too, and in the said British Isles too that is, and in speak too and of the very name of Christopher Marlowe for instance, but what we are trying to say here, is that, in speak of Facets, and Components, African Languages, can too be said to present, an interesting view in all, and to what too, does pass for Strategy, and if not Ethic in itself, and of what too, is said to be Resource, Agency and Task that is. In all, what is been said here is that, English in all, has created a World, and that is too best said to speak of Inequity in itself, and in Wealth too, but that African perceptions of all this, and of what English is said to be, and of what Englishness too, is too said to be, does now have to do, and with Africans, and as said in all, having many a said better Idea in all, and of what too is said to speak and of Revolution, and in a said Marxist stance too that is.

That it could too be said, that there is nothing to African life, and other than that, which does speak of Mitigation in itself, and in speak too now, and of the said definitions, and of what Emotion, Boundaries, Practises, Protocol and Methodicism (Link) too, are said to be. That this too, now does speak and of Africa, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of what too is said Greek that is. A History too, best perceived, and from speak and of Egypt, and as said Copt, but in speak of the Greeks, they too now said Cretan that is, speak now and of Orthodoxy in itself that is. That it all too, now does tie down, and to speak and of the said term of Maure, and not Moor truly either, for in speak of the Copt, and of the Moor, and of Egypt too, speak and of the said too, rise and of many a prominent City that is, and if not of the very name of New York in itself too, but in speak of the Moor, and as said to speak too of Crete, speak now too, and of what Philosophy in itself is said to be. In all, what is been said here is that, a probable understanding and of the very belief that, African life, is said too, best said grounded in all, and in speak of Mitigation in itself, and of what too, Ethnology, is simply said to be that is.

In speak of Africa, and of Italy too, is to now ask, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do perceive Identity, and as said too, and to speak and of the Citizen, the Civilian, the Nationale, the Resident, the Immigrant etc., and if not in speak and of the Layperson too that is. That Africans, do still very much perceive their said societies, and from speak too of Egyptian/African Dichotomies, when in said reality, and in regard and to speak and of the World and as it is today, and of what too doe pass for speak and of society today, the World and as it is, is in all even said Italian, and in regard, and to what too does pass for Time in itself that is. That Africa today, and as simply said unique, distinct or singular and in its ways too, is simply said to have to it, what they do call/term African Time that is, and that in all again, speak of Africa, and of the United States of America too, it all is said to in all even present, a said differing view in all, and of what life in Africa, is simply said to be, and in speak too now, and of what Declaration, Constitution, (Family) Values, Civil Rights etc. are simply said to be that is.  In having said that, that the World today, and Africa too, is simply said Italian, and in our said Conceptualizations of Time too, it all too though, does in all even refer, and to the said rise of the Sciences for instance, and as we do know them today, and in now too, asking and of what African perceptions in all, and in regard and to speak too of Mitigation that is, are, and in talk too of, and of the said following too that is: Technology, Medicine, the Sciences, Research, Practice. 

That in speak of Technology, and in said regard and to speak too of African Time, speak too now, and of what an Assessment, is simply said to be [and in speak of the Test, the Exercise, the Examination etc.]. In speak of Medicine, speak now, and of the said methodology that is, and of Innoculation too, and as often said to refer and to what Medicine is said to be, and in said comparison here, and to what, African Medicine, does actually say. In speak of the Sciences though, speak now, and the very belief here that, the said termed too African Sciences, do actually exist, and in said comparison, and to speak of the Italian Sciences for instance, for the latter, do in all even speak of the base, and of the former, of what the concrete is said to be that is. In speak of Research, speak now and of it all too perceived, and from a said even Western perspective, and in speak too now, and of what Tables, Graphs, Charts etc., and if not Statistics too, are said to be, for Research in Africa, is actually believed said to speak of the Probabilistic, Probability, and if not of what Set Theory is too said to be that is. In speak of Practice, speak now and of Order, and in said comparison, and to speak too and of what does pass for Design, and as said to speak too of Geometry, and if not of the Void too that is.

In attempting though, to get at the very heart of this entry, is to now too, associate it all, and directly said too, and with speak and of what Pluralism, is said to be. That Africa today, is simply said to suffer, said diseased too, and in the said attempt, and in solving many of its problems, and that could too be traced, and to speak too, and of the Church and in Africa that is. That the very manner in all, Africa did come to be and as it is today, does too very much speak and of Pluralism, but Pluralism too, and that does too ask for instance, and of just whom in all, the Bantu peoples of Africa, are simply said to be, and as said even chaotic in their ways that is. That Pluralism in Africa, and as said to speak and of what does pass for the African Experience, and of the African Memory today too, is too said Bantu, but that in all even, should in all truly perhaps, be said to best speak, and of the very name/term of Nago too that is [that in speak of the Bantu, Pluralism, is said to speak and of the Universal, while in speak of the Nago, speak and of Mitigation in itself that is].

Finally, speak here, and of the attempt, to in all even explain, Africans, and as referred to, and in speak of Halves that is. That Africans in all, do often perceive themselves, and in speak of Halves, and with their been said Man and Woman too, and in said comparison here and to speak too and of Equals that is, but that in all again, speak and of Halves, and of Africans too, does now speak and of Identity said African, and that too said Moor/Moorish that is. That it all too, does now speak and of Africa, Africans, and of the very name of Esu, Eshu, Exu etc., and with it all said to speak and of African Trickster Gods, and in speak too and of Africans in all, and as often perceived and in talk of Ebo (Offering/Sacrifice), and of "Prayer" too that is, on the otherhand too. In all and again, talk too now and of, and of said African Trickster Gods too that is, and as in all simply said and to speak and of, and of said Mitigation in itself too that is.