Friday 4 September 2015


of Oriki.

This very entry, does now attempt to give those in Anti 'Nairo' in all, and if not Counter 'Nairo' too, and 'Nairo', what too, can be said here, a Genetic Identity that is. That most in all, don't ever do think, of themselves it can be said, and in speak and of why, they are simply said happy, and to be born African that is. That in been born African, one is in all even afforded, what too can be said a Genetic Identity, and one too, and that does in all even not refer specifically, and to what one could term, the Selfish Gene that is, and if not of the God Gene too. That Genetic Identity, and as said African, does now speak and of one, and as said not truly suffering in all, and from said Physical, Mental, Emotional or Spiritual Illness/Disease too that is, but said to in all even simply adapt to it all that is.

What they do call Oriki though, does too, speak, and of the said term Experience, and as now said too, truly Spiritual, or African too that is. That in understanding all this better, is to know too say that, if Consciousness, can too be said Egyptian, and of Evolution in itself, simply said African, then in speak of the World, and in regards to Oriki, speak now and of Memory (and in speak of the African Memory too for instance), said to speak of the World outside Africa in all, for Africa, has always been truly defined, and by speak of the Experience in itself that is. 

In now too saying that, Oriki, does in all even define one, and in the Experience itself, said too Spiritual, is to now too, differentiate between the Moor, and the African that is, for the latter, is often associated and with the African Memory, and with the former, and with the Experience, and as said too African that is.

In now furtherly saying that, there does exist differing manners in all, and of perceiving Oriki that is, is to now associate it all, and with speak of 'Nairo', Counter 'Nairo', and Anti 'Nairo' too that is. That in speak here and of Bik, and of 'Nairo' too, speak of Oriki, and as said perceived as follows:

Oriki :- Oracle (Trouble) + Myth (Situation) + Code (Perpetuity)

In speak of Anti 'Nairo' though, speak of Oriki, and as perceived as follows:

Oriki :- Critic (Demise) + Criticism (Death) + Critique (Decease)

In speak though, and of Vic., and of Counter 'Nairo', speak now and of Oriki, and as said deciphered as follows:

Oriki :- Method + Incantation + Actions

In all, Oriki, Orik., and as said too, helping one in all, perceive many a thing, and from speak of the Straight, and not of the Direct truly either, but in speak too now, and of Africa, and as simply said perceived, and from speak of Mood, Presence, and if not of said Silence/Quiet too that is.