Saturday 19 September 2015

the Next Africa

the Next Africa.

For many, talk of Africa, and in said Prospect too, has in all even lead, and to the said belief that, Africa, does not have too much to offer of anything, but of something, not at all. Perhaps a said, cruel joke here, and for those who do too, associate speak of Africa today, and with speak too of Transversity in itself, and if not in speak, and of what the Open, and of the Closed too, are too, simply said to be.

In saying that, there are differing manners in all, and of perceiving Africa, is to now too, speak, and of those and who do claim, that Venture (Link), and if not Enterprise too, is what is said lacking, and in having Africa, learn to stand and on its very own two feet. While this said group, can too be said Nigerian in their ways in all, another said group, does still attempt to claim, or state that, African Leadership (Link), has in all even failed, in bringing about, a said even Revolution, and to Africa, and that is too said hingered, and in talk of Education and of Africa too for instance. While this said group too, does often refer, and to Botswana, and as said too, a said even successful African State, we do have those and who do believe that African culture (Link), is simply said the very said cause, and of why Africa, is simply said doomed in its ways that is. While this said group, can too be said, to in all even, believe, African culture, and as said not Bantu truly, but said Ugandan too for instance, and in speak too of the name of Joseph Kony too, there are those who do believe, African culture, to simply speak and of said even Inferior practises, and that do too make for Corruption in itself (Link), and if not for Ineptitude too that is.

In however now saying that, speak of Corruption, or Ineptitude too, does in all even ground speak of Africa, and in what Development, Progress, or Advancement in itself, are actually said to be, there is another manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that can too be said to speak, and of Modern Egypt's role in Africa too, and in now truly asking, what Change, Growth or Transformation in itself, do actually truly mean that is, and in speak too of Africa.