Wednesday 2 September 2015

the Media Universe

The Media Universe.

This very entry, now does in all propose that, that we do in all today, it can be said live, and in a said Mediacentric World, and not that said Egyptocentric, Eurocentric or Afrocentric truly either that is. That in speak of the latter three, and of any other said similar Political Ideology too, is to now too, say it all, to speak of Politics, Religion and if not History in itself too, and as said too viewed, and from the very Eyes of those said too Egyptian, Greek or African that is. The Mediacentric World though, or speak too of the Media Universe in itself, can now too though, best be said to speak, and of the said History of the City too that is.

In talk too of, and of said Media too that is, World, African, the Media Universe, the Technologic, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Psychology too that is, Modern, Media, of Repression, Suppression, Oppression etc., of Personality, of Individuality, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Politics too that is, Modern, Media, of Domination, Hegemony, Subjugation etc., of Nationality, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, of States, Physical, Psychic, Psychologicalbe as said of, and of a said Arrival too that is, and to the self, the African self, [Link], or if not and to the said World too that is, of World History, or if not of the said Worldview too that is, of Worldviews, of African Worldviews, [Link].

Of such a said Arrival too that is, in Concordance, of Africa, of India, the self, the World, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Mediacentric too that is, of Mediacentrism, the Not Real, the Disturbing, the Distorting, the Crucial, the Appropriate.

In all, the Media Universe, and as now too said, to refer, and to the very belief that, Media in itself, is actually said to speak and of what is believed said Real, or believed said truly in Existence that is, and with what they do term Physical Reality, said to speak of a World in all, and as said problematic, or troublesome too, and with what is believed said to lie outside Physical Reality that is, said too now, and to speak too of the spirit Realms, and if not and of what could be, or of what is said is that is.

In all, the Media Universe, and as said to go against, the said even Real/Nominal view in all, and that does associate in all, all said Reality, Physical too, and with speak and of the Swahili term/word of Adabu/Adhabu (Link) that is, and in now too, associating the Media Universe in itself, and with speak and of the very said term/word too, and of the said Critic in itself too that is. In all, this Blog, now too does perceive Media, and from speak of Siberia that is, and not from speak of Italy either that is [or in speak too now, and of the Pyramids at Gaza, and as versus speak of the City too that is].

of Mediacentrism.

Media Africa.