Wednesday 27 April 2016

Uarabuni (2)

Uarabuni (2).


It was said and in another said previous post (Link), and on Uarabuni, that Uarabuni, does in all even refer, and to what Perception in itself, is actually said to be, of Composites, of Amir Hamza, [Link], and as in all said as of Perception (Link) only too that is, and with it said too here, and to and in all even refer and to, and to what and in all Laughter in itself, is in all actually said to be, and if not of what a Repose in itself too that is, is and in all even said to be all about that is. 

Of Uarabuni, of Mombasa, or if not of said Malaysia too that is, of Kuala Lumpur.

In a said referral to, in regard, and to talk too of, of Composites, of Romans, of Arabs, and of the said Colonial World too that is, [Link], of Colonialism, African, of Ukoloni, [Link], of Uarabuni, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Across the Ocean, the Indian Ocean, or if not in a said too that is, comparison to, in contrast, vs., talk too of, and of the said Abroad too that is, of Europe, or if not of the said Overseas too that is, of North America.

Of said Across the Ocean that is, the Indian Ocean, [Link], in Divide, of Africa, of East Africa, or if not of said South Asia too that is, of Southeast Asia, of Malaysia.

Of said Across the Ocean that is, the Indian Ocean, in Divide, of Impositions, [Link], the Imposed, the Superimposed, the Imposing, of Africa, of India, of Compositions, of the said Accomplished too that is, of Accomplishment, of Development, the Developed Form, [Link], Lowly, Highly, of said Malaysia too that is, Modern, Traditional, of Kuala Lumpur, of said East Africa, Kenya too that is, Modern, Traditional, of Nairobi, or if not of said Achievement too that is, of Achievements, the Developing, the Advancing, of said Attainments too that is, of Attainment, the Developing, the Progressive, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Success too that is, of Successes, of Development, or if not of the said Prosperous too that is, of Prosperity, of Development, the Developmental.