Wednesday 16 September 2015

Kinship (2)

of Kinship (2).

This very entry, will attempt, to place Kinship, and within, many a said too, African Context that is. That Kinship, and in regard and to speak of this very Blog, is in the very least said too, and to speak and of the Bantu/Nok peoples, and of Nigeria too that is. That Kinship in all, and in a speak and of it all perceived, and from a said even everyday basis here too, does too, ask of one, and of the very manner too, they would in all even define, Waste, Cleansings, and if not Purification in itself too that is. In many a way too, and in regard and to speak and of what Kinship is truly said to be, and in speak too now and of what too, it does mean, to be said African that is, the lie that is often told, does too often say, that African societies in all, or beliefs, or African Identity in itself, is said believed grounded in all, and in speak of Superstition that is, when in said reality, Africa, and in speak too of Chaos all over, does in all even speak, and of Atheism in itself that is.

In having said that, is to now too, paint, or draw, a said picture too, and of what Kinship, is said to be, and that does too now ask, and of what is said to speak and of the Liable, and if not of Providence too, and in said speak too now, and of African Identity, and as said in all even, said grounded that is, and in speak and of Decency, Taboo, and if not of the Behavioural in itself too that is. In having said that though, is to now too, say that, Kinship, does appear to be all there is, and in speak of anything/everything to say about Africa, and in said comparison here and to speak of African Religion for instance, for Kinship, is said too, not only defining and of what African Blood in itself is said to be, but does in all even attempt, to truly actually tackle, the said question, and of what Existence, is actually said to be, and in now too saying that, Kinship, and as said too something believed fundamentally African (and in said comparison here and to speak of Kindred, and Egypt too), does too speak and of all that there is, in that, what they do too term Intellect, Intelligence, (Human) Behaviour, Bonds/Ties, Affairs (Human), Politics, society, Invention etc., do not in all actually exist, but what is said to truly exist, is nothing more, or less, and than that said, to speak, and of Kinship in itself that is.

In saying that, Kinship, is believed something truly difficult, and in its defining, for it does too speak and of what the Existential is said to be, is to now too, attempt, to ground it all, and in speak too of Katekisimu, and of what too, the 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit, are said to be:

1. charity
2. joy
3. peace
4. patience
5. kindness
6. goodness
7. generosity
8. gentleness
9. faithfulness
10. self-control
11. chastity