Sunday 20 September 2015


of Orunla.

This very entry, does have to do, and with speak and of what, they do in all call, the Cult of the Ancestors. That in all again, many would in all ponder, why we do in all even bother, and in talking, and of our said Ancestors that is. That in many a way, said Philosophies, Modern too, and that do talk and of what they do term, the Common Good, have in all even resulted, and in a said distortion, and of what talk of Ancestors, is said to be all about that is.

In now too though, saying that, speak of Ancestors, has in all even been said associated, and with speak too of Adaptation in itself, and as often said to speak too of Wealth or Property Accumulation, is to now too, truly associate it all, and with speak and of names, and such as that of Esu/Eshu, Orunla, Orunmila (Egypt), Odudua, Elere-ipin / Ori-san-la (Nigeria) etc.

In attempting to make sense of the above though, the very belief that, it is in talk of Ancestors, and whereupon, a said understanding, and of what life is said to be all about, is to now refer, and to one, and as said Opening up, Embracing, or Awakening to life in itself that is, but that in all again, it all too, does lead and to talk, and of Genetic Bloodlines, Sacred Bloodlines etc., and of the said too here, and of one and as said exposed in all, and to the said Mysteries of life, and which too, do speak and of a said, life, and as truly well lived out that is.

In now too saying that, the said world and of the Ancestors, can be viewed, and in a two-fold manner in all, and that does on one said End, speak of Names, and on the other said End, speak of Heredity/Inheritance too that is, is to now too speak of life, and as viewed and from speak of Destiny in itself, and if not from speak of Regeneration  too, and all said too respectively that is. That in understanding all this too better, when we do speak of Ancestors, and of Names too, we are too, saying that, the African World in all, is said truly defined, and by speak of Names, and in said manners too in all, that most, do not often comprehend, for it is in speak of Names, and whereupon, one doe find that, the African World, does in all even define Materiality in itself, and in speak too of Names that is, and not of Terminology either [that in speak of a said example here, the said Swahili term/word, and for Chair, is in all even said a name, it too being Kiti that is]. In speak of Heredity/Inheritance though, speak now and of Ancestors, and as said not to speak and of the Ancestral that is, but that in all again, speak now and of what is said Existent, Inexistent, and if not Non-Existent too [and with it all even said to refer, and to what an Omen is, or in said speak too here, and of the very manner in all, one does view themselves it can be said, and as said even Distinct, Unique or Singular too, and if not in said speak now, and of what Alteration in itself, and of Altered States of Consciousness too, are in all even said to be that is].

of African Names.