Sunday 6 September 2015

the Sion-ist

of Sion

This very entry, now does ask of one, to in all even differentiate, and between speak of Symbol, and of Image in itself too that is. That most would be of the acknowledging in all, and of the very view or fact, and that does say, life today, speaks more and of the Image in itself (and if not of the Word too), and in said comparison, and to speak of Symbol that is.

For what is Symbol said to be? It too, can truly be said, and to speak of Perception in itself. That in regard, and to the said Contents of this very Blog, but in all again, speaking now too and of 'Nairo', and Counter 'Nairo' too that is, is to now very well say that, Symbol, and in Perception too, can too be said and to speak now and of the Human, and as said defined, and in speak of Survival in itself, and as said to speak and of the Human, and as said possessing, one said innate Intelligence in all, Animal-like too, and that does ask of one, and of whom/who in all, they are, and when they do Capture anything that is [and in speak too of a said moment too for instance]. That this Intelligence, now too, does very well speak and of whom/who in all, one is, and in Symbol that is. That in many a way too, speak of Symbol, does too refer, and to the Human, and as perhaps best said defined, and as said uncivil or animal-like too, and and as said defined, and by what a Strike, is too said to be [that the Human, and in speak of the Clock or Bell, is in all even believed, and as said even truly a hypocrite that is, or animal-like too, simply defined, and by speak of the Strike that is]. In all, speak too now, and of the very manner in all, one and as said Human, is said too defined, and in speak and of the Warning that is. Thirdly, speak now and of Symbol, and as said Name in itself too, and that does in all even refer, and to that, which we do simply believe, to be said in all, Becoming in its ways truly that is.

In saying too now that, Symbol, does in all even speak and of what is termed Craft, we too can now say that, what is said Art, does speak too, and of they do in all term the Image that is.That in speak of the Image in itself, is to now too, best associate it all, and with speak of this Blog, and its said views on (Eternal) Damnation, or speak too and of Counter 'Nairo', and of Mass Psychology /  the Enigma (Link) too, but in speak of 'Nairo', speak too now and of Bik, and his said woes here, and in simply knowing, what Profiling truly is.

In all, and in now too saying that,  the above, does not complete the Whole, of Phrasings, the Para-phrased, is to now too, simply ask, and of what the Religion, and of the Sion-ist, is simply said to be, and in now too saying that, most Religion out there, does in all even speak and of Theme in itself, but that said to speak of Sion, said even to attempt to in all, Elevate, Human Consciousness, and to higher said levels, and than that which does too speak and of Theme that is.