Monday 14 September 2015

the Certainty Principle

The Certainty Principle.

This entry, is said too, a said follow-through, and to the last said entries, and on Lachrimae Caravaggio, and that too of Macumba that is. That it all too, does now speak, and of the very manner in all, it can be said, those in Africa, would keep Time, and in regards, and to speak too and of this very Blog that is. That in all, we can too talk, and of the 'old World', and of the World and as it is today, for the 'old World' in all, and as said ending and with speak too of the Haitian Revolution that is, is said too grounded in all, and in speak and of the Humane, while the World and as we do know it today, or in speak too of Africa and as it is today that is, is said grounded in all, and in speak and of what it does mean to be Human, and as said too, and to refer, and to speak of Macumba, and if not of the 'Christ the Redeemer' Sculpture too, and in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro that is.

This entry though, does primarily in all, deal, and with speak and of what they do term, the Certainty Principle. That the Certainty, been sought out here, can too be said and to speak, and of the said Meaning or Purpose too, and of life in itself. In all, talk here, and of the said best manner in all, and in living out ones life, and if not in speak and of life and as said Generational too that is, but that in all again, it all too, can be said tracked down in all, and to speak too, and of what one could term the Egyptian tradition, the Roman tradition, and if not of the English tradition too that is.

In speak of the Egyptian tradition, speak too, and of life, and as said even heavily grounded in all, and in speak of the Humane that is. For it all too, is said a way or manner too, and of think of life, and that does too for instance, talk of the Title of Pharaoh, and of Pyramids, and of Pyramids Builders and in Egypt too, and if not of the said belief that, Magic in itself, is actually believed said too, a real manifestation that is. In speak of the Roman tradition, speak too now and of Italy, and of the said belief that, life, and of the very said manner too in all, to best live it out, does in all even go along and with many a belief, and that does too, lead, and to speak too of a said even (New) World Order, a said World Power, and if not of a said even, World Empire too that is. That all these, were said too, the very aspirations, and of the Italians too and so to say, and in speak now and of Italy, and in History, and as said having its said imprint, and in Europe/Spain, Egypt, Central Asia, the Middle East, America, Brazil, Australia too, and if not in speak too and of the Japans that is.

The World today though, does not truly work, and as it did in the past, and in speak too and of Ambition, or of Aspiration in itself too that is. In speak of Africa though, speak now too, and of the said understanding of life, and in speak too of Certainty that is, and which does in all even have to do, and with speak too and of the English tradition that is. For the English tradition, can too be said, to approach speak of life in itself, and in speak too, and of what a happy Home, is simply said to be. That the English tradition, does too, call for one, and to in all even attempt, to surpass oneself, and in said regard here, and to simply bettering or improving ones life too, and in further regard and to any said misgivings in all, one might have, and about oneself too that is. In all, the English tradition, does too view, speak of the Egyptian tradition, and from what Rationale is said to be, while it does too view, speak of the Roman tradition, and from speak and of what Morale is said to be, but that in all again, and in regard and to speak too of 'Nairo' for instance, speak too now, and of what Celebration in itself is said to be. In speak to though, and of Counter 'Nairo', speak now and again, and of the tracking of ones life, and in speak too of a said Diary for instance, and as said to speak and of life, and as said perceived, and in speak and of Heaven and Hell in itself that is. The English tradition though, and as having to do with this very Blog, does in all even ask of one, and of what the Light, and of what Darkness (the Dark) too, do truly in all even signify, or embody too that is, and in now too telling one that, there is nothing going on in ones life, and in the said present moment too, and other than talk, and of what too is said Certain, and of what too is truly said not (Certain) that is. Of the said Certain too, of Uncertainty, or if not in talk too of, and of what could and in all, or can and in all, be as said of, and of said Morale too that is, of Morality, of the said Rationale too that is, of Rationality, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, or could and in all, be as said of, and of the said Criticale too that is, of Criticality.