Monday 14 September 2015


of Victims.

This very entry, is said too, dedicated, and to none other, and than BiK, or Brian K (Link) and in himself too that is. For you see, BiK, is said here the kind of guy in all, to in all even want, to very much seek out, a way of living, and that could too, be said to speak, and of London, or England today that is. BiK though, does not appear, to be the kind to keep track, and of many a thing, or said development too, and as said having to do, and with speak of History in itself, and if not of the Passage of Time in itself too. That life and in England, or London today, can too, be said defined in all, or described too, and in speak and of (Time) Zones, Zoning, and if not of Comfort, and Safety Zones too that is.

In having said the above though, is to now too, speak, and of the very manner in all, life, and in Kenya, Nairobi, has in all even changed, or deteriorated truly, and from the said even Colonial Period that is. That life in Kenya, and in the Colonial period, was said too, highly defined, and by speak and of a said Family/Group Psychology, and that did too, speak, and of the Victorians in Africa, Kenya, and the Middle East too that is. A Family/Group Psychology, and that did too, speak now, and of said famous Victorian Authors in all, and such as W.E. Jones, (Sir) Conan Doyle, Tolkien, Agatha Christie, and if not of Enid Blyton too that is. 

In however now saying that, life in Kenya today, has changed truly, and for those who did in all even choose to live on, and after the said demise, and of the Victorian Age, Kenya, today, has in all even now, come to be truly associated, and with speak of Ineptitude in itself, and in now telling BiK that, life in Kenya, today, is said truly defined, and by speak only, and of one term/word that is: Victimization. That Victimization, does in all even have a said interesting, and complex Psychology to it all, and that does too ask of one, and of what Conscious and Unconscious states, are said to be, and if not, and of what, Psychological Projection in itself, is said to be that is [for it all too, is said believed here, and to refer, and to speak, and of the very world that is, and of the Kenyan Cobra too].

of Psychology.