Wednesday 16 September 2015


of Utamaduni.

(The New African Bible - Link)

What is Utamaduni, said to be? It in all even, is believed said a term/word Swahili, and that does too speak and of, and of the Law, and as said embodied and in Language in itself, and if not  and of what is believed said to speak, and of a said Common Experience that is. That this definition of Utamaduni, is not believed said fitting, and in a said too, Contemporary sense in the very least, for Utamaduni, is said too, far much more than most do believe it to be, and does in all even speak, and of said parallels that is, and if not of its equaling too, speak and of Scared Law, and if not of Philosophy in itself too that is.

That Sacred Law, is said here believed, Egyptian truly, and does too attempt to ask, and of what Good, and Evil/Bad, are said to be, and in further regard, and to what too, they are in all even said to truly encompass that is. Philosophy though, something said Greek, but said too existent and outside Africa too in all, is said to refer, and to speak and of what the Peak, the Appex, the Pinnacle, the Summit, the Top etc., and of many a thing, are simply said to be that is. Utamaduni though, does differ, and as it does in all even define one truly, and in speak and of the Witness, and if not in speak of Exposure in itself that is. That Utamaduni, something too, and that does speak of Celebration (Link), and (in) Africa, does in all even ask of one, and of what they do believe, and as said to speak of the inherent too, do believe and in Witnessing that is, and if not and of what, does too, actually pass for Exposure, and in ones said life too that is.