Wednesday 30 September 2015


of Esu-Elegba.

For many, it can simply be said that, Africa, is in all even simply said, a Continent, mired, and in all said Confusion, Conflict, Chaos, Crisis, Trouble etc., and with most simply having no said Clue or Idea too, and of the said best of manners in all, and of just how best, to simply live out their lives that is. That most have no said idea, and of what they are truly searching for, or seeking out too, and in an Africa, often too said, simply said in its ways in all, defined in all too, and by speak and of terms/words, and such as Endemic, Pandemic, and if not Perpetual too that is.

In saying that, speak of it all and as perceived, and from speak of the African World, does too, speak and of Africa, and as said too Lagging, Hopeless, Useless, Backward etc., but in speak now and of the African Worldview, does speak and of Africa, and as simply too said Diseased that is, is to now too say that, many out there, and in regard to all the above said, are probably in all, in search, or seeking out too, the very name, and of Esu-Elegba that is.

Esu-Elegba : Link