Tuesday 29 September 2015

Policy Africa

Policy Africa.

This entry, will serve, to address the very issue/matter in all, and of Policy in Africa, or Policy Africa too, and away from speak of Intellectualism that is, and onwards now, and to speak and of what too, can best be said to speak of Direction in itself that is. That Policy Africa, now too, does speak and of Perception in itself, but what we are trying to say here is that, African History in itself, is best said to speak of Direction in itself that is, and not of Meaning/Purpose truly either.

In having said that, is to now too, point out in all, the very said belief that, Africa and in Policy, and as said to speak of the Native, Tribal, Local, Regional, Consciousness etcetc., does too, best speak of Spain, and not of South Africa either that is. That Africans, can best truly benefit, and from knowing what Spain truly is, and from a said perspective and that does speak too of Policy, and in said comparison, and to speak of South Africa, and in Policy that is.

In having said that, now is to speak of Policy, and as said to refer, and to the following:

1. Symbol
2. Language
3. Culture
4. Society