Wednesday 30 September 2015

the Kenyan Cobra

The Kenyan Cobra.

or of Grieveance too: (Link).

When one does in all even, ponder, the very said best manners in all, and of going through life in itself, one then does probably in all realize, life can be said defined, simply, and by speak of Audiences, of Recollection, and if not of said Support (Supporters) too that is, of Agencies, of Agents. 

Of Teknolojia.

Of the Cobra, <--->, Of the life-force.

Of Grieveance.
+ Of Accommodation.

In now saying that, this very Blog in all, does too speak of Evolutionary Biology (Link), is to now too say that, Evolutionary Biology, and as often said very much to speak of life, and from the said even perspective of Extinction, now too, does ask of us, to in all even ponder, life, of Instinct(s). and from the said perspective of Addition, Culmination, Accumulation/Cumulation, Summation etc., and as said too, Evolutionary, and if not of in speak of life, and as perceived, and from speak and of the said Congenial in itself too that is.