Monday 31 August 2015

Sacred Art

of Sacred Art.

This very entry, now too, does deal, and with what some do term Bio/Ecological Warfare, and as said too, very much believed, a part, and of what one could too term, African Warfare that is. That this very entry, now does ask of one, and of the very manner in all, they do perceive or view too, what one could term Relevancy, and if not in speak too now, and of Subterfuge in itself, and if not of Sabotage in itself too that is.

That we do live in a World today, and that does in all even truly struggle, and in defining itself, and in speak of Normalcy that is. A problem too, said even highly compounded, and by the said prevalence, and of a World Media, one too said National, and that does in all even seek to in all report, and of a World, and that is simply said besieged that is.

That it too can be said that, many a person out there, does in all even perceive themselves, and as said too Spiritual that is, and not in speak of the Physical Human Body in itself, but in speak truly now, and of the said 6 Human Senses that is [and if not in speak of it all said to refer, and to speak of Taste (Human) in itself too that is]. That unknown to most, other said manners in all, and of defining the Human, and away from speak of the Physical Human Body too, do exist, and with it all even said to refer, and to speak too of Dream Psychology/Therapy that is (and if not of the Unconscious, the Subconscious, and of the Conscious too), speak too of the Psychic (and of Egyptian definitions too, and of the Psyche, Soul and Self), and if not in speak now too of Africa, and of the said too Human Condition, and that does in all even refer and to speak of Disease, Viruses, and if not of Character in itself too that is.

In now too saying that, the above does too speak of the very manner in all, most out there, do understand Evolution, and as said too, and to speak of Evolutionary Theory, Evolutionary Psychology, Natural Selection, Instinct (Evolutionary) etc., is to now too point out that, the said here, study of Textures, and as said too, to speak of African Ecologies, now does and in all even truly merge, and with speak of what Sacred Art is said to be, and in now too associating speak of Sacred Art, and in the Middle East, and in regards and to speak too of Textures, and as said defining us and in speak of Relevancy in itself too that is, and as said to speak too now, and of the Tsavo in Kenya too that is.