Tuesday 15 September 2015


of Oba.

Oba; Oba means King.

There is a Cobra, in Kenya, and that does differ, and from another said Cobra too, in Kenya, for the latter, is in all even believed African, while the former, is said here believed, Kenyan that is. That this said Cobra, said smaller, than that said African, can too simply be known in its ways, in that, unlike the African Cobra, and which does too speak and of the wary in itself, this said Kenyan Cobra, does in all even, instantly, peak ones said Interest too that is.

The very Title of Oba though, is in all said Nigerian. However, it can best be placed, in its said proper perspective, and in regards, and to speak not of Titles in themselves that is, but in speak of Mappings too that is. That Oba, is said a Title, said Nigerian too, and from a said even Historical context, and when in reality, the Title of Oba, can too be said Egyptian that is. That in understanding all this too better, is to now too say that, this very entry, is said concerned, and with many an issue in all, and as having to do, and with speak of Condemnation, and if not of Victimization, and Incrimination too that is. That it too, is an entry, and that does deal, and with speak of names, and not of terms or words truly either. That the Title of Oba, is said Nigerian, and in a said Historical context too, but that in all again, and in speak too of Condemnation that is, the said Kings of Italy, were in all actually truly said, Egyptian too that is. In all, and in regards and to speak of names that is, speak now, and of Oriki too, and as simply termed Orik., and as said too, and to refer and to, and to speak too and of, and of names, and of their very said meanings too that is (and if not in talk too and of, and of said Condemnation,  [Link], Victimization, [Link], and if not of said Incrimination too that is: [Link]).