Tuesday 8 September 2015

Guitar Concertos

Guitar Concertos.

In attempting to make a long story short, Bik over at 'Nairo', does spend his time practising, Flamenco styled Guitar, while Vic., and over at Counter 'Nairo', does in all even truly know of Jazz Guitar. However, enough of all that, and in now attempting to explain, what a Guitar Concerto, is simply said to be. For it all is said to now refer, and to speak too and of the Folia, for the Folia, is said too, a Musical piece, defining of Spain, but that in speak now and of Political Intrigue here, and of Cervantes in himself, Miguel, believed said Italian too, would in all write Don Quixote, in the said spirit of the Folia, and not that of the Concerto either, and which too is simply said Italian that is.

However, the Blogger here, does view the Concerto, Guitar, and alongside speak of Footsteps / Footprints, and in / on Italy that is, but that it all too, does now lead, and to said now/here speak and of Travels, and into India, and in the said search here too, and for the "Ultimate" Desi that is [Link].

** in now saying that, it is those in 'Nairo', Bik, and who would in all readily identify with all this said, and in this very Blog too, and in viewing himself, and in now too, associating 'Nairo', and with the Hero, and of the Anti-Hero and Vic. too, the Fallen / Unsing Hero, and as said to speak and of I the Blogger here, but that in all again, in saying that there is a fourth Hero, and who would in all even be associated in all, and with the previous post on Arch., is to not say him, a Super Hero, or a War Hero too, but in all truly, he said too in all, Esu in himself that is. In many a way too, I in all, do view both Bik, and Vic., or 'Nairo', and Counter 'Nairo' too, and in regards to this very Blog, and as said to speak of Community ('Nairo'), the Communal (Counter 'Nairo'), and if not of the Commune (Anti 'Nairo'). In however attempting to say that, there is more to all this, this Community stuff so to say, is to now too, speak of Vic., and as said too defining us, and in speak of the said problematic view here, and that does say that, Kenya in all, has no said Legitimate Language to it, and in speak and of what does pass for Language in Kenya today, for it all too, does speak too and of Ki'ingereza ('Nairo'), Ki-swahili/Ki-arab (Counter 'Nairo'), and if not of Ki'Bibilia (Anti 'Nairo') too [and in the said belief here that, Kenya does possess, Tribal Language, or Vernacular too, simply said not too much of any significance that is].