Tuesday 29 September 2015

Socialism Africa

Socialism Africa.

When we do in all even speak and of Socialism Africa, we are now too, referring, and to speak of Socialism in itself, and as said to refer and to speak too of Social Organization, and which too, does in all even refer, and to speak of a said Means to an End that is. In saying that, this entry, does in all even speak of Socialism, and from speak of Settings, and Contexts too, and not in speak of Bonds/Ties either that is, is to in all even add or say too that, it does too speak of World History in itself that is.

That in understanding this better, is to tackle said Beliefs here, and that do in all even say that, the Egyptians, were the first of all peoples (and in Custom too), or Israel, does too speak of God's Chosen people that is. That in all, Egypt and in Custom too, is believe to have many a said Influence, impactful, and from Ancient Nubia that is, while speak of Israel, does truly speak of the Hebrews, Egypt, and as said God's chosen people that is.

In having said that, is to now ask of Africans, and of the very manner in all, they do in all even relate to each other, and in speak and of what too, Mental Chains, Mental Colonialism, and if not speak of Mental Prisons too, are said to be, and as said to in all even speak, and of what a Matrix, Social, is said to be all about that is. In many a way too, and in regards and to speak of Israel, speak now, and of the said belief that, the goal of life, and as said African that is, does often have to do, and with the said developing of Courage in itself, and as often too said to speak, and of terms and such as Aki/Akin, or even 'Iwa Pele' too that is.

In having said the above, speak now too, and of Socialism, or of Socialism Africa that is, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of what the State, is said to be. That this in all too, does in all even refer, and to the History of the Egyptian State, and those of its Neighbours (and in speak of Libya, and Nubia in particular), but that in all again, speak today, and of Africans, and of their said views, and of the American State, or of the United States truly that is.

In having said the above, the mentioning now that, speak of the African State, can too, be perceived, and from speak of Egyptian History, and as said too, to speak, and of the very term/word of Cataracts that is [and of the Egyptians, and as simply said race too that is].

In now attempting to perceive, Socialism, or Socialism Africa, and from speak of society, is to now too claim or state that, societies outside Africa, have often been truly defined, and by speak of Conventionalism in itself. Egyptian society though, is believed even said complicated in its ways, for it is said too, driven, and by forces in all, and that do too speak of Mobilization in itself that is. Italy on the otherhand, does in all even develop complex societies, and that are too believed, simply defined, and by speak and of Migration in itself that is. In having said that, is to now too follow-through, and by simply saying that, African societies, are in all even it is believed, said truly defined in all, and by speak and of what one could term/call Methodicism that is.