Wednesday 2 September 2015

the Vulture

the African Vulture.

It very well can be said that, about 4 said Species in all, and of the Vulture, are to be found in East Africa, and with the most prominent of them, being that said Tanzanian too.

This very entry though, does in all even pertain, to speak of Intelligence, and in regards, and to speak too of Africa that is. That many out there, are simply said unaware, and of the very said fact that, Intelligence, does in all even too, truly differ, and from what one could term Exposure (and if not of the said Exposed too that is). That Intelligence and in Africa, is simply said too Egyptian, and in speak too now and of the Narcissist, or of Narcissus too, and if not of Narcissism in itself that is. Exposure though, does differ, for it all too, now does speak of one, and as said an Innocent, said a Virgin too, and if not simply said Naive, and of Naivete too that is.

That in now too saying that, all things said African, simply speak of Exposure in itself, is to now too and again, speak of one and as said Awakening to African Spirituality in all, and in speak now too, and of the said African Vulture in itself for instance [and if not of said Dream Psychology too that is]. In saying that Exposure is many a thing, is to now too perceive it all, and from a said even Egyptian sense too, and that does too associate Exposure, and with speak too of the Innocent, and in regards and to speak of Taste (Human) for instance. In saying that it all too, does very well speak and of the said building of the Pyramids at Gaza, Exposure, is to now too, associate Africa, and with a whole different Exposure, and that does speak of Sensitivity/Sensitivism in itself, and if not in speak too and of what Serpents, and in Africa, are too simply said to be.

In all, Exposure, and as said to refer, and to what Harmony, Normalcy and if not Salutation too, and as said defining of our everyday lives, are said to be, and with speak of Intelligence, best said and to speak of Routine, Convention and if not of said Behaviour in itself too that is [and not of said "Character" truly either].

Finally, speak of too of Honey, and as said too embodying in all, and in Purity, what an Innocent, a Naive, or a Virgin too, is too believed, said to be that is.