of Grieveance

 of Grieveances.

In the said perceiving of, and of said Teknolojia too that is, Kisw., [Link], [Link], of Technologism, the Moveable, the Immoveable, of Tractivitythe Tractive, -->, the life-force, or if not of the said Tractile too that is, of Tractilityof Grieveance, of Anger, of Neutrality, of Neutralness, now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too of, and of what could and in all, or can, be as said of, and of the said Abstract too that is, of Abstracts, of Abstractivity, or if not of said Media too that is, of Media, of Mediums. 

Of said Teknolojia too that is, Kisw., of the said life-force too, of Abstracts, of Abstractivity, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, or could, be as said of, and of a said Product too that is, of Products, [Link], [Link], of Art, or if not of said Music too that is. Of Products, of Teknolojia, the life-force, or if not of said Taste too that is, of Taste, of Sense, of Senses, or of said Properties too that is, of Properties, of Qualities. Of Art, of Teknolojia, the life-force, or if not of said Taste too, of Taste, of Sense, of Spectrality, of Senses, or if not in talk too of, and of said Properties too that is, of Properties, of Qualities, of Mediums, of Access. Of Music, of Teknolojia, the life-force, or if not of said Taste too that is, of Taste, of Sense, of Vibrance, of Senses, or if not in talk too of, and of said Properties too that is, of Properties, of Qualities, of Instrumentation, of Codings.

Of said Teknolojia, Kisw., of Media, of Artistry, of Reproduction, the life-force, of Mediums, the Mediumistic, of Voices, of Properties, or if not in a said referral to, and to what could and in all, or can, be as said of, and of a said Media Print too that is, of Media Objects, or if not of said Media Items too that is.

Of said Teknolojia, Kisw., of Media, of Media Prints, or if not in talk too of, and of said Annoyance too that is, of Instincts, of bodies, of agents, of pathogens, or of said microbes too, or if not in talk too of, and of what could and in all, or can, be as said of. and of a said Framing too that is, of Frames, of Framings, or if not of said Voicings too, of Voices, of Voicings, or if not of the said Symbolic too that is, of Symbols, of Signs, of Film, of Artistry, or if not of said Markings too that is, of Marks, of Markings.

Of said Teknolojia, Kisw., of Media, of Media Objects, or if not in talk too of, and of said Agitation too that is, of Nodes, the Nodal, of Singularities, the Crucial, the Critical, or if not in talk too of, and of what could and in all, or can, be as said of. and of a said Framing too that is, of Frames, of Framings, or if not of said Voicings too, of Voices, of Voicings, or if not of the said Psychologic too, of Relief, of Sense, of Artistry, or if not of said Markings too that is, of Marks, of Markings.

Of said Teknolojia, Kisw., of Media, of Media Items, or if not in talk too of, and of said Aggravation too that is, of Forms, of Outlines, of Depths, of Clarity, or if not in talk too of, and of what could and in all, or can, be as said of. and of a said Framing too, of Frames, of Framings, or if not of said Voicings too, of Voices, of Voicings, or if not of the said Artistic too, of Records, of Documentation, of Artistry, of Comparativity, of Comprehensivity, or if not of said Markings too that is, of Marks, of Markings.