Monday 11 January 2016

the African self

The African self.

This entry, will in all attempt to simply deal, and with the said too, complexities, and of constructing, a said African Identity that is. That these said complexities, are often too, perceived in all, and from speak and of what Consciousness, is said to be, for it all too does speak of Consciousness, and as said Evolutionary (Link), and if not in speak and of the said Name of Africa, and anything that can too be said corresponded to it, and if not said equated to it too, and in said comparison, and to that said Name, simply too said as Egyptian that is.

of the self, of Africans.
of the self, of U-tu, kisw.,--->, of Negation, the Neutral, the Nullified.
of the self, of Notes, the Noteable, --->, of Necessity, the Negligible.
                                                      , --->, of Nodes, the Nexus, of Nerves, the Neural.

That this entry, does attempt, to speak and of the said complexities and of constructing, said African Identity, and Identity too, and in speak of Name that is, and if not Consciousness too, has been associated truly, and with speak and of the epithet of 'Nigger' in itself, but if not in speak of God truly, and as said perceived and in speak of Name only, and of the very Name of Jehovah too for instance.

That speak of Africa and as most would acknowledge it, does too speak of it, and from speak too of Consciousness, and as said too perceived, and from speak of the Trackers Blog (Link) that is, and which too does perceive Consciousness, African, and from speak and of the Kalahari Bushman for instance, and as said too Tracker, and if not in speak, and of what Possessed States (Link), and in said comparison to Conscious States that is, are in all even said to be all about, and as said to speak too of one, and in Uniformity, Totality, Wholeness, Completion, the Overall, the Optimal etc. 

This entry though, does attempt to present, the said Constructing of African Identities, and from speak too, and of what is termed Human History, and Human History too, and as said not perceived and from the said perspective truly, and of a Blog and such as Media Africa (Link) that is, and that does speak too of Divinity (and of the Human and as simply said as such), and if not of said Concepts in all, and such as Destiny, Grace, Karma, Blessing, Salvation, Redemption etc., and as said too, to speak of the Humanities in themselves, but that in all again, speak of Human History now, and as said perceived, and from speak too of said here Lethal Disease, and such as Meningitis, or Tetanus too, but that in all again, in speak too now of Psychiatry in itself, Occidental Myth [Joseph Campbell], and if not of the said Science of Forensics too, but with it all too said pointing, and at what, the African self, of Neurosis, the Neural, is said to be, and as said too in all defined, and by speak and of the said Virus in itself too that is, of Hepatitis, the Bug, Tick, Flea, the Mite, and if not of what Culturalism too, of Culture, of Standings, -->, the Standingly, is too said to be all about that is [and if not in said speak too of Ancestors that is].

That the African self, is not best said equated here, and to speak of Divinity, but in all even, in said speak of the Coward too for instance (Link), and in now too saying that, African Identity, is too said complex in all, and in it is Constructing that is, for that said Half of it, and that does deal with speak of the Self, and that does too speak of Psychiatry or Grace for instance, is known, but that which does speak of the self [Self/self- ], is believed said difficult to define, for it does truly place the African, and in his said natural environs too that is. That the merging or bringing together of the two, Self/self, now does too speak and of the said world of African Names that is, and if not of Africa, and as simply said Name or Label too, but in now too saying that, this Blog does perceive speak of Self/self, and from speak of Adventure/Escape [Link1, Link2], is to now too claim that, what does bring it all together, Self/self, has nothing to do with Name truly, but with speak truly of the said complicated Psychology of the Relapse that is (Link), and if not as said, to speak too of for instance, and of what Lucid Dreaming, Sex Dreams, Nightmares etc., are in all even said to be all about, and as said too, to refer, and to speak of Evolutionary Psychology in itself too, and if not of what, the Title of the Maestro, is too said to be all about for instance. In all, a manner of thinking of Africa, and that does too associate the self, and with the Escape in itself, and as said to refer and to speak too of Virus in itself that is, but that in all again, a manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does too equate Africa, and to the said too Australian Experience in all, and of the said defining of Self/self, and in speak of Adventure/Escape that is, but with it all said merged as one, Self/self that is, and in speak now and of Australian Names too, and as said too probably matching those said too African that is.

the Self/self.