Thursday 1 October 2015

Congo Media (2)

Congo Media (2).

This entry, can be said a follow-through, and to a previous entry titled Congo Media (Link) too, and that does in all even speak of re-inventing Africa in all, and in the name of Pan-Africanism too that is. That in understanding all this better, is to first off say that, Congo Media, should in all not be confused and for Media Congo, for the latter, does in all even speak and of the Congo, and in a said even Evolutionary sense, and as said too akin, and to speak of Media Africa (Link) too for instance.

In attempting to now say that, the Congo, is believed to house to it, said even, interesting notions in all, and of Family, is to now too, speak of the re-inventing of Africa, and in the name of Pan-Africanism too, and as simply now too said, to speak and of Africa, and in Image/Word that is, and in speak too of Internationalism for instance, and in said comparison, and to what too, is believed said to speak, and of the said African State (Link) that is.

In however saying that, Congo Media, is truly believed said unique in its ways in all, and as said differing and from other Media, and that does too speak of Developing Africa, is to now too, not speak of Africa, and in speak of Paradigm that is, but in speak truly, and of Paradox in itself that is.

Finally, is to now too say that, while many do in all even, struggle, and in attempting to define, African Wealth, and as said too speak of Africa in itself, and as said  even Independent, or Autonomous too, is to now associate it all, and with speak and of those who do perceive Africa (Link), and in speak of the Setting, Village, or that too, Setting, and which does speak of Kingship, or Royalty too. In speak of African Wealth though, speak too of it now, and as said equated and to speak of Equity (Link) in itself, but that in all again, Congo Media, does in all even speak and of Africa in itself, and if not of an African Wealth too, and as simply said viewed, or said defined too, and from speak and of said Transparency (Link) in itself too that is.