Sunday 31 July 2016

Kenya, Nairobi

Kenya, Nairobi

In the said attempt here, and in now too, Spot Locating, and if not Dot Locating too perhaps, the Exact, the Precise, the said Country of Kenya, and as said even having the City of Nairobi to it all, is to now attempt, to in all even define Kenya, and from said talk too, and of what too is said Event, People, and Place, and as said even referring, and to talk too, and of Nairobi, and as said even perceived and from talk, and of African Historical Timelines, and as said too Continental that is:

1. Event : Vasco da Gama, Malindi

2. Place : Zanzibar

3. People : Yemeni

Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya.

The following, does too speak and of the said attempt, and in Point Locating Nairobi that is, the Precise, the Exact, and as said too, the Capital City of Kenya, and in Africa, and that does too speak, and of what is said Distance, and if not and of what too, does too speak, and of a said African Historical Timeline, and that is too said, Modern that is:

1. Distance (Italy, Rome) : 5383 KM

2. Distance (Australia, Sydney) : 18 HRS 10 MINS

3. Distance (South Africa, Cape Town) : 205.5° SSW Bearing

Saturday 30 July 2016


of Reciprocity.

The very term of Reciprocity, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of the scientific, and if not of physics too, and as said even to refer, and to the said even Field of Classical Mechanics that is, and of what too, does speak, and of the said even, push-pull effect that is. That talk of Reciprocity, can too be said even applied, and to many a thing said discussed, or debated too, and that does in all even now place talk of it all, Reciprocity that is, and in talk too, and of what Trust in itself, is in all even said all about, and if not of what too, self/Self- Trust that is, is in all even said to be, and as said even to speak, and of the very manner in all, it is too believed, culture, and in East Africa too, said too folk, or popular that is, does in all even arise.

Of East Africa; Of Folk culture, in-accordance, in-step, of Reciprocity, of Trust, of Materials, of Religion, "the Power of the Cross"; Of the Folk Hero, in-accordance, in-step, of consciousness, of conscience; Of Olorun, in-Existence, of Ifa religion, in-Reality, of Ebo, of Esu, in-accordance, in-line.

That Reciprocity, is too best said perceived, and from a said even Material stance, and that can too, be said to talk, and of the very said term of Stratum, Geological too, and of what too is believed said even to speak, and of the cause-and-effect, and if not of the Earth, and as said even primarily perceived, and from talk, and of what Rocks too, are in all even said to be that is.

In however applying, talk, and of Reciprocity, and to talk too, and of what is said Religion in itself, is to now too, speak of it all, and from the said even perspective, and of what is believed said to in all speak, and of the said 'power of the Cross'  for instance, and as said even now to speak, and of a said conscience, or consciousness too, and that does in all even permeate, most of the said even, World out there that is.

East African societies

of East African societies.

When we do speak, and of what society, is in all even said to be, or said even all about, we can too be said, to speak of it all, and as simply said, Context that is. That what too, can Context ,simply be said even, to actually be, or said actually all about? In saying that, it all too, can be said even summarized, and in talk and of what encounter in itself is in all even said to be, is to now too say that, talk too, and of a said even East African civilization, does too ground it all, and in the said understanding too, East African too, and of what a said Context in itself, of Contexts, of bodies, of Agents, does in all even entail to, and as said even to speak of, and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving History, and as simply said Context, of Contextuality, and if not as said to speak too, and of said even Ancient society, and that does too and in all, even, go back, the Contextualized, and to talk too of, and of the said even society, and of the said too Pyramid builders of Egypt too for instance.

In saying that, East African society, does in all even aspire in all, and to such said heights, and of what Context is in all said to be, and as said even to speak, and of the very manner in all, one too, can be said even, to perceive talk, and of God in 'himself', is to now too say that, talk, and of evolving society and in East Africa, and if not as said media too, does in all even refer, and to talk too, and of changing Contexts that is, and such that, life in East Africa, and as said too civilization, is in all even believed said perceived, and from talk, and of Context primarily that is, and as said even to speak too, and of the African past, and in East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of the said Temples, and at Abu Simbel, and in said Nubia too that is.

Friday 29 July 2016


of African Resource.

If Resource, can be said perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said Tangent, and what is too said Direction, and if not of what is said too Material, and of what is too said Tangible, then it too can be said that, Resource, can in all even be said discerned, and from talk, and of Configuration in itself, and if not of Conversion in itself too that is. That Resource, can too now, be said even, deciphered, and from the following said even, tabulation that is:

1. Approval: and of what is said Count

2. Refusal: and of what is said Number

3. Allowable: and of what is said Series

4. Repulsion: and of what is said Sequence


of Elenini.

Elenini, [Link], [Link], and in speak too, and of Africa, and in said Embodiment too, and if not of a said Africa too that is, and as said too, ruled over, and by talk too and of, and of said "spirits" too that is, of spirit.

In a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Elenini too that is, Yor., Ifa Religion, of Privacy, of Embodiment, of Negativeness, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Regular too that is, [Link], of Central Africa, of Ritual, the Ritualized, of Southern Africa, Malawi, or if not of said Custom too that is, the Customized, of East Africa, Kenya.

**In the now too that is, claiming, or saying that, what does and in all, even, speak too and of, and of said Custom too that is, the Customized, and in said East Africa, Kenya too that is, can too now, be as said as, as perceived too that is, and in the said light too that is, and of the said ancient too that is, the evolutionary, now is to and in all, even, speak of, and of the said impact too that is, that said Colonialism too that is, the Colonial World, Colonial East Africa, Colonial Kenya, did and in all, even, have on, and on said East African, Kenyan Identity, identity, african, of African Laws, [Link], and if not in its said hampering too that is, of hinderance, to impede, and if not in a said too that is, reference, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Development too that is, of Resource, African, Human, the Colonialist, of Mkoloni, [Link].

Of said Ritual too that is, of Custom, of Privacy, the Questioning, of Embodiment, of Reality, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said that is, of What is, of What is said to be, or of What is as said as (to be) all about, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Dawning too that is, the Dawn, of Africa, of India.

Of said Privacy too that is, the Knowing, or if not in a said too that is, reference, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Kenya too that is, of said Media Kenya too that is, [Link], the Public, [Link], the Private, of said Kenya too that is, Republic, [Link], [Link], the Individual, the Person, or if not of said Kenia too that is, [Link], of History, of Time, [Link].

Of said Privacy too that is, the Understanding, the Evolving, [Link], or if not in a said too that is, reference, regard to, and what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Evolution too that is, the Material Construct, [Link], the Material Interface, the Evolutionary, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Evolutional too that is, the Diverse, of Diversification, [Link], the Diversific, [Link].

Of said Privacy too that is, the Comprehending, the African Mind, [Link], the Lawful, the Legitimate, the Logical, [Link], or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said African civilization too that is, [Link], of Signals, of Lugha, Kisw., [Link], of Signaling, the Signal, of Hearing, of Programming, of Intent, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said African Politics too that is, [Link], of identity, Identity, of Utu, Kisw., [Link], of Profiles, African, [Link], or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Signal Fracas too that is, [Link], [Link].

of Signals.

Sunday 24 July 2016


of Socio-Politics.


In claiming that, Socio-Politics, or said too, Socio-Political life, and in East Africa, or Kenya truly, is believed said not well defined, and in said regard too, and to what too are said Boundaries in themselves, is to now too claim that, it all can be said well perceived, and from talk, and of what is said too, Kijiji, and of what is too said, the City that is -- [Link].


1. The Religious Community.

2. The Diplomatic Community.

3. The Colonial Community.

4. Ki-Jiji.

the City:

1. National. 

2. Regional, Swahili.

3. International.

4. The City.

Saturday 23 July 2016


of African Psychiatry.

It can be said that, while Psychology, does in all even deal, or delve into, many a said Topic or Subject, and as having to do and with talk of Man, or the Human too, and in said Aim, Intent, Goal, Motive etc., Psychiatry on the other hand, can now too, be said even, to deal or delve into, many a said Matter or Issue, and as said even having to do, and with talk and of Psychological Health in itself that is. In many a way, Psychiatry, and as said even having to it, many a theme, and as having to do, and with what Dissonance, Resonance, Assonance, and if not of what too, Consonance, are in all even said to be, is to now too, attempt to introduce to many in East Africa, and to Psychiatry, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of what too, Physical Constructs [Link], are in all even said to be, and as said even to speak, and of what some have termed Spatial Disorientation in itself that is. That such said Physical Constructs, can too now be said even, to speak, and of the following, and in said regard, and to what too, does too pass for speak, and of Mental stability for instance:

1. Defeatism -- and of the Swahili lands

2. life/Life -- and of East Africa

3. the Dark side -- and of the Congo

African Monkeys

of African Monkeys.

of Man, Political, African, [Link], or of the said Temptuous too that is.
of Kijiji, the African city, [Link], or of the said Commotion too that is.
of Monkey(s), African, [Link], of Pulses, Pulsations, of Psyches, of Psychic levels, ->, the Heart, African, Human.




African Civilisation.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Psi too that is, [Link], [Link], the Paranormal, of Music, in Origins, or if not in talk too of, and of a said Model too that is, Psi, Paranormal, of civilization, African, East African, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the/a said Centre too that is, in Arrival, of Centres, of Centringsthe Arrival to the Centre, of Memorythe In-Line, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Standing too that is, of Standings, of Acknowledgement, of Recognition, of Confirmation, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, of Centres, of Standings, and of the said Brain too that is, the Heart, the Navel, the Groin, the Voice, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, of Psi, the Paranormal, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Eye too that is, African, [Link], Human, in Response, in Activity, of Centers, the Center, [Link], the Transcendent.

In all and again that is, talk too of, of Psi, and of said Psychology too that is, African, Human, the Evolutionary, [Link], or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, of Psychology, of mechanisms, Body, Bodily, and of said Arousal too that is, of Arisings, of Risings, the Rising, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Settled too that is, the Composed, the Reconciled, the Resolved, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, of Instincts, the Instinct, African, be as said of, and of the said African Instinct too that is, [Link].

Of the said Instinct too that is, African, of Music, the Centre, the Evolutional, or if not in talk too of, --->, and of said Preference too that is, of Assortment, of Electives, the Literal, the Direct.

of Instinct.

Friday 22 July 2016

New England

of New England.

In talk too of, and of said New England too that is, in History, the United States, and as in all said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Symbol too that is, of Symbols, of Emblems, the Emblematic, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to a/the said City of New York too that is, of New York State, of Device, the Monogram, the Ideogram, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the/a said City of Nairobi too that is, of Nairobi Province/County, of Kenya, East Africa, of Logos.


African Meters.

When we do here speak, and of what too is said Development, and as said even to refer, and to East Africa, and as said too civilization, is to now, throw in, the very said term of Exposition, said too Scientific, and that does too entail, speak, and of what too is said to refer, and to said even, detailed Planning that is, and in said regard to all this, is to now furtherly throw in, the very said term of Meter, Meters, and of what too is said Degree, and not Angle, or Level truly either, and in now too saying that, speak of the Meter that is, does too speak and of it, and as said even the most basic of Tools for instance, and that can too be said to in all even, help build up, or design too, said even East African civilization that is, and as said even detailed in all, and along speak and of the following said three:

1. Potency

2. Agency

3. Congruency

Famous Women

of Famous Women.

Of Famous Women, and of the Folk Hero [Link], and if not of the said Rosary (Link) tradition too that is.

Of Frames, of Codes, of Textures, -->, of Faces, of Codings.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Evolutionary Biology

of Evolutionary Biology.

Evolutionary Biology, and as said too now, said supporting, the very said view that, Existence in itself, is believed said in all, even, grounded that is, and in talk too and of, and of what Waves, are in all even said to actually be that is.

of Nanotech.

In the said equating of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Evolutionary Biology too that is, the Existential, the Actual, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Perception too that is, the Perceptory, the Sensory, now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too and of, and of a said Kenya too that is, of East Africa, [Link], and if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of a said Tribal, Ethnic, Political, Religious etc. Make-up too that is. 

Of such a said Make-up too that is, of Kenya, of East Africa, of the said Colonial Memory too that is, the British Colonial, of Victorianism, [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to a said Kenya too that is, and as often said perceived too that is, referred to, and if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Nilote too that is, the Cushite, and if not of the said Bantu too that is. Of said Kenya too that is, of East Africa, the Colonial Memory, the Pre-Colonial, the Post-Colonial, of Colonialism, Kenyan, East African, and if not in a said too that is, referral to, regard to, and to a said Kenya too that is, East African, and if not and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said Nilote too that is, the Tribal, of Ethiopia, of the said Cushite too that is, the Ethnic, of Somalia, and if not of said Somalia & Ethiopia too that is, of Kenya, of Kenyanness, of Africanness, [Link], of East Africa, and if not in a said referral to, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Ubaguzi too that is, of Tribalism, of Ng'ambo, [Link], Ulaya, the Ndombolo, [Link], of Ethnicism, and if not of said Vidokezo too that is, [Link], of Kenyan, East African Civics, [Link], of Kenyan, East African Political Culture too that is.

Of said Kenya too that is, of East Africa, the Kenyan, East African Memory, of Pre-Independence, of Post-Independence, of their said Political, Cultural Constitutions too that is, of Katiba, [Link], of said Kenyan, East African Politics too that is, of Political life, of Materiality, Kenyan, East African, the Material Basis, of Ownership, of Status, of said Nanotech too that is, [Link], of Nano-Science, of Nano-Technology, of the said "Minute" too that is, the Detailed, "the Miniscule", the Smallest, the Least, "the Micro", the Bit, and if not of said Political, Cultural Imagery too that is, the Historic, the Image, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said Political, Cultural Artefact too that is, of Kichanuli, [Link].

Of said Kenya too that is, of East Africa, the Political, Cultural Artefact, of the said Arabian Peninsula too that is, of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom, of Oman, Sultanate, or if not in a said referral to, regard to, and to a said Kenya too that is, of East Africa, Community, Federation, and if not and as said too that is, perceived,  referenced, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Comoro Islands too that is, the Comoros, Union.

Of said Nanotech too that is, [Link], of Nano-Tech, of Nano-Science, of Nano-Technology, and of its said too that is, presupposed, perceived, influences, impact, African, and on what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Philosophy, Medicine, History, Science, Law, Education etc. too that is, of Evolutionary Biology, the Particulate, [Link], and if not in a said referral to, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, perceived, of Roles, of Functionality, and of the said Purpose too that is, Meaning, "Point", and of said Colour too that is. 

Of said Colour too that is, of Sense, and if not in a said too that is, referral to, regard to, and to talk too and of, and of said India too that is, the Subcontinent of India, of Curry & Spice, [Link], and if not in a said regard to, referral to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Psychology too that is, of Italy, of the said Behavioral Sciences too that is, the Americas, of Adabu, Adhabu, [Link], Kisw., of Bantu Africa, and if not in a said referral to, of India, of Africa, the African, of India, the Indian, and to the said Mahabharata too that is, [Link], the Uppanishads, the Bhavagad Gita. That it can and in all, be as said that, that Colour, is and in all, bestly, believed as said as, as Indian too that is, of India, the Subcontinent, the Subcontinental, and in its said Effect too that is, probable, possible, and that in all and again that, the said "rest of the World" too that is, of Africa, the Continent, the Continental, is and in all, believed, as said as, perceived too that is, bestly, and if not in talk too and of, and of the said Texturised too that is, the Conditional, the Substantial, [Link], of the said Delimited too that is, of Delimitation, [Link], of Africa, Continent, the Continental, and if not of said Constraint too that is, of Inhibition, of Limitation, of Constriction etc. too that is, of India, Subcontinent, the Subcontinental. 

In all and again that is, talk too and of, of Colour, and of said Nanotech too that is, [Link], the Material, the Materialistic, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Arabianism too for instance, [Link], [Link].

Of the said Delimited too that is, of Delimitation, of Africa, the Continental, the Sudan, the Angola, [Link], and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said Live too that is, the Current, the Active, [Link], of Actuation, and if not in a said too that is, referral to, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said African Story too that is, [Link], [Link], of Kenya, of East Africa, of Nigeria, [Link], of African Autonomy, of African Independence, and if not in a said too that is, referral to, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said African Status too that is, [Link], Political, of South Africa, and if not of the said African Presence too that is, [Link], of Egypt, the Political, the Social.

the African Story.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


of Constructs.

In said speak here, and of Constructs, and as said even truly defining in all, and of said even secular Identity and in East Africa too, is to now too, talk, and of what are said Knowledge Bodies that is, and as said even defining in all, and of the most minimal of activity, Political too, and in East Africa too that is. That Knowledge Bodies, do in all even refer, and to what is said Exact/Precise that is, and if not of it all said even to refer, and to East African Identity, and as said too now, and to speak and of East Africans, and as said even 'a people', and if not as said too, in Commune that is. That in speak and of East African Identity, and as said even perceived as such, in speak too and of Knowledge Bodies that is, is to now, speak of it all, and as said even Construct, and in said Name too, and if not as said perceived truly, and from talk, and of what is said even, to refer, and to a said 'Communion with God' for instance.


Political Constructs: Egypt, the Congo, Swahili

Geographical Constructs: North America, Iraq, Australia

Racial Constructs: Western, Nigerian, Asian

Temporal Constructs: the Persian Gulf, India, China

Free Trade

Free Trade.

of Relations and Kijiji.

When we do in all here, speak, and of the very said term of Entrenchment, and as said even defining, and of life in itself too, we are too now referring and to speak and of life, and as said even defined in all, and in speak of Existence in itself too that is, and as said even supported now, and by talk, and of said varying or multiple Knowledge Networks, and Systems too that is. That life, is now said even envisioned, and from such said Existences, said even Knowledge-driven, and which too, are often believed said even, Independent, and in spirit too that is.

In saying that, Commerce, does too now speak, and of the said even upholding, and of such said Existences, and in said Ideals too, is to now refer, and to talk too, and of what is said Free Trade that is, and as said even now, to speak, and of the said shaping of societies, and if not humans too, and in said regard, and to the said even, forces that is, said evolutionary too, and that are believed said to drive or shape too, humans, societies, and if not history in itself too that is.

In saying that, talk of the above, is said even to refer, and to talk and of what is said Free Trade in itself, is to now speak and of the above and as said even grounded in all, and in a said Historical sense too, and in talk and of what is said Custom, Family, Law, Obligation, Conduct, Stature etc., but in said speak too now, and of what too has been termed, and on this very Blog, both Kijiji (Link), and if not the City [Link] too, we can too now be said to say it all, said even grounded, and in talk and of what Commercial Interests, are in all even said all about, and as said even now, simply defining or descriptive, and of what too are said, Natural Existences that is.

Monday 18 July 2016


of Mu-Arabu.

of Ki-Arabu.


And of the said English-, and Kiswahili-, speaker that is, and in said Excellence too that is.

Of said Mu-Arabu, of Ki-Swahili, [Link], of Ki-Arabu, or if not in talk too of, and of said Arabu, Swahili, the Unfolding, or if not of said Arabia, Arabic, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Construct too, of Constructs, of Material Constructs, of Materiality, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said spirit too, of spirits, of Constituents, Elements, of Substance, of Matter, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Difficulty too, of Trouble, of Complications, of Note, of Interest, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Real too that is, of Real life, of Reality, of Actuality, of Substantiality.

In talk too of, and of said Ori, Yor., Ifa, [Link], of Muarabu, or if not of said Swahili civilization, of Hadithi, is to now speak too of, and of said Obi that is, [Link], the Koran, of said Odu, [Link], the Al-Hadith, or if not of said Orunmila too that is, [Link], of Mohammed.

[Link1, Link2]

the Book Fair/Workshop

the Book Fair/Workshop.



Vintage Dumas.

A Kijiji Reader.

see here:


of Garnets.

It must be said that, one must in all even, simply place, a said even, distinction that is, or emphasis too, and between, what has been termed, and on this very Blog, as said the City [Link] too, and of what too, has been termed, Kijiji (Link) that is. That it all, can too simply be explained, and by talk, and of what is said even, Communications Protocol that is. That both Kijiji, and the City, do differ and as said as such, in talk and of what is said Communications Protocol that is, and in now too claiming that, from speak and of Kijiji (Link), and of what too, is said Script, the City, now said even probably, defined, and by talk, and of what a Conscript, is said even all about, and with Kijiji, talk too now, and of the Movie Script, and of what is said now between, and as said even Communications Protocol too, now said even to speak, and of what is said Transcript that is [all this said too, and as said even having to it all, a said, American Sentiment that is]. That in said speak though, and of all this, and as said even viewed, and from talk and of the City, speak now and of the City, and as said even perceived, and from the said even Amassing of 'Wealth' that is, but with talk of Kijiji, it now said to refer, and to what too is said to speak, and of Key-Players that is, but if not and of both Kijiji and the City, and as said now perceived, and from talk of Communications Protocol, and that does too speak, and of the said Transfer of Wealth that is. That in speak of Key-Players as such, speak too now, and of Kijiji, and as said even perceived, and from what is said Active, and Passive too, and if not of Odu Ifa (Link), and as said too Script, said even perceived as such, and in said comparison, and to what is too said Static, and Dynamic that is.

of Kijiji, and the City:

the Play

The African Play.

In this entry, we shall too, attempt, to in all even present, the said even Political History and of the World too, and from a said even manner in all, and that does too speak, and of what is said Formation that is, and in said comparison, and to what too is said Character that is, for the former in all, Formation, does too, talk, and of what is said a Play too for instance. That it too can be said, that Africa, and from the said even perspective, and of what too has been termed Kijiji (Link) and on this very Blog  too, can too, be said even, summarized in all, and in talk, and of the Play in itself that is.

That the said even, Political History and of the World, can too be said even, and to speak and of certain said Formation, and that does too speak, and of History and as it is too said perceived, and from talk too, and of what Academia, is in all even said to be that is. That the most known of these said Formations, does now speak too, and of Greece, and Egypt, and as said even perceived, akin to each other, and in said talk too, and of what is said Intellect, and if not and of what is said Monument too that is. That one of the more unknown of these said Formations, which though, has been utilized and by the Blogger here, and on writing on East Africa [Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5, Link6], does now simply claim that, talk of Civilization, and as said too now Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and if not African too, or as said to speak and of Egypt, Greece, Italy and Africa too, does now too claim it all even, to very much border, and to talk, and of what race in itself, is actually said all about that is. That there does too exist other such said Formation, said even important, and in the understanding of many an Event in History, and that does too speak and for instance, and of Egypt-Jerusalem-Italy, or of Egypt-Italy-France, and if not that too simply said to speak now, and of Egypt-Italy that is. It is the latter of these said, that said Egypt-Italy that is, and that is too said defining, and of History today, said too Political, and that does too even refer, and to talk, and of the said even Politic of the Body, and if not of said Roman History, and of the very names of Caesar, and Brutus, that too of Napolean, and if not in said speak too now, and of History, and as said even perceived, and as said British too that is. This entry though, will attempt to define, Africa, and from a said even Formation, and that does too now talk and of Italy-Egypt-Africa, and of what too, is believed said even to speak, and of the said even, Existence, and of life in itself that is. That does life exist, and on its very said own? That does life exist, and on its very own accord? That does life exist, and as said too in existence?

In having said the above, is to now attempt and to in all present all this said, and from said too Time Perspectives, and that do in all even now associate, speak of Time, and with what too, is said even, Prophecy in itself that is. That it all too, does refer, and to speak, and of what are said Structure, and of Egypt too, what is said too Construct, and of Africa too, and if not of what is said too Module probably, and of Italy too that is. That it all too, can be said, to in all present Africa, and from speak and of Time, and that does too in all reference Africa in itself, and in said speak too, and of what a Time Standard is said too all about, and if not of Construct, and as said even to speak, and of a said even African Time, and of Structure, speak now and of Time in Africa, and as said even Continental too that is, but in speak of Module, speak now and of Time in Africa, and as simply said even perceived, and as said too, Regional that is, and if not as said Local too. 

It is in speak though, and of Construct, and simply where and in all again, we do not only find talk, and of what is too said 'African Time' that is, and as said even now, to refer, and to said even African Identity, said even now, perceived, and as said Socialized, or Politicized too that is. That it all too, does speak and of African Identity today, and as said even meeting, or merging, and with that said to speak, and of History in itself, and that does too ask and of what too is said even, a Haunted, Splintered or Split Self too, and if not of what is too said Disassociation in itself that is. That in understanding these said definers of the Self, and as said too now African too, is to now associate the Haunted Self, and with talk and of Reconsideration in itself, the Splintered Self, and with talk of Reconstruction in itself that is, the Split Self, and with talk of Reconciliation in itself, but in talk of Disassociation, talk now too, and of what is said Recollection in itself that is. In talk though, and of what is said Structure and in Africa, and as said too now, and to speak and of what is said too Continental Time in Africa, is to now talk, and of Africa perceived, and from talk and of Practise, Practice, Consciousness, and if not of Media too that is. That in talk of Practise, Africa, and as said too now perceived, and from what too, is said Monument in itself that is. That from talk and of Practice, talk now, and of what is too said Alignment in itself, but in said talk and of Consciousness, talk now too, and of what is said said to refer, and to talk and of Pragmatism in itself that is. In said talk and of Media though, talk now too, and of what is too, said Character in itself, but as said African too that is.

In now too saying that, talk, and of what is Module, and if not of Africa too, and as said even perceive Regional in its ways, and if not Local too, is to now too associate such said talk, and with talk and of what is said too, Worldly, Global, and if not International too that is. 

This entry though, does truly pertain, and to deal, or speak too of, and of what is said the Play, and as said too, to speak, and of what is said Kijiji (Link), and not of that Play, and as said African that is. That in speak and of the Play and as said African, speak too now, and of what is too said perceived to refer, and to a said even National Character that is, but that and in all again, in speak now, and of the Play, and as said even now defining, and of Kijiji in itself, speak now and of what Planar Existences, are in all even said all about, and as said even to speak, and of the said Metaphysics, and of what too are said Dimensions that is. That the Play, does too define, what is said Planar that is, and not Dimensional truly either, and with the latter now, said too perceived, and as said arising, and from talk, and of what too, is said Planar that is. That the Play, can too be said to ask, and of what is said Whole, and if not of what is said One, and if not of what is said Solitary, and of what is said Unitary too that is. That the Play, does now too, speak and of the Group, and if not of what is said Individuation, and Individuation too, and that is too said to arise, and from talk, and of what is said Interplay, or Interaction too, and within a said Group Formation too that is. That the Play, does now too, truly define Africa in itself, and in speak and of Belief in itself too, and Belief too, and that does too merge, and with talk and of what is said Prophecy, and such that, it does in all even present, its said Characters, the Play that is, and from the very perspective, and of what is said Self-Image in itself too, and as said even to refer, and to talk and of God, and in said Prophecy too, and if not of the Play, and as said even perceived, far more Intellectually adept and than most would believe it to be, and in now claiming that, it does too delve deeper, the Play that is, and from talk and of what is said Esteemable, and to speak now, and of the said understanding and of life on this very Earth, and from talk too, and of what is said (Call-and) Response in itself that is.

Kijiji [Kampala].

Friday 15 July 2016

Private Relations

of Private Relations.

This very said entry, will too now, attempt to in all, define those said to belong, and in a said too, East African civilization, and if not East African society too, and from speak, and of Private Relations, and not those said Public, Diplomatic, or International either that is. That the latter said three, Public, Diplomatic and International Relations, could too be said to in all even attempt, to best define the Group, and in society too that is, while speak and of Private Relations, now does too speak, and of the very attempt, to get to the heart, and of the Individual in 'himself' that is. That Private Relations, do too, attempt to define one in all, and in speak and of Action (Link) in itself, and in said comparison now, and to speak and of what too, is said Ruling that is.

That in the attempt, to in all even understand, the said even, ways in all, and of the said Individual, and in East Africa, and as said too Private, it all then, could too be said to speak, and of Identity in East Africa, and as said too perceived, and from speak, and of what is said Resistance, what is said Regulation, and of what too is said Diversity that is. That the first of these said, Resistance that is, does too point and at one, and as said even defined in all, and in speak too, and of what is said Hybrid, or of Hybridity too, and of one too, and as said even Intelligent that is. That the second of these, Regulation (Link), does too point, and at one too, and as said even defined in all, and in speak, and of what Adaptation, is in all even said all about, but with the said third of these, Diversity that is, said now to speak, and of what too, is said Gene in itself that is.

In saying that, the above said, does in all even view, the said Individual, said Private too, and from a said too, Political fashion that is, Private Relations, can though be said even perceived, and from a said even, Civil perspective that is, and not that said, truly Political that is. That it all too, does speak and of society and in East Africa, and as now simply said even Civil, and not Political truly either and that it all now does too refer, and to speak, and of the very attempt, and in linking, those in East Africa, and to many a said even, distant destination it can best be said here that is, and that does too now, define one too, and in said speak, and of what are said ranking, and rating too that is.That the said distant destination here, do too speak, and of New York State, and Quebec Province, and in North America too, speak too and of Iraq + the Persian Gulf [Link], and if not of Australia too that is. That in speak of North America, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of New York State, and Quebec Province too, speak now too, and of the redefining and of what is said Resistance, and as said even now, and not to speak and of Code (Link) in itself for instance, Genetic Codes too, but speak again, and of Code, and as said even perceived, as said Script too that is. That said Identity in North America, is now too said perceived, and from what is said Resistance that is, and as said even to speak, and of what is said Script, and Script too, said even referring, and to the Literature, Writings tradition, and in North America too that is. That in speak and of  said Identity, and in Iraq + the Persian Gulf, and as said too Civil, and as said even to refer, and to Identity and as said even perceived, and from talk of Regulation that is, it all too can be said to speak, and of talk and of what is said 'Symbol' that is, and as said even now to speak, and of the Crucifix [Link], and in East Africa too that is. In speak and of Australia though, and if not of East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from talk too and of the Swahili lands that is, it all can be said to talk now, and of the Curator (Link) in 'himself' that is.

In all and again, all this said, all the above said that is, and from speak, and of the Individual, and as said too Private, and in East Africa, and as simply said perceived, and from talk, and of what a Monologue, is too said even all about that is [or of the Monologue, said too even, truly defining and of the Individual, and as said too Private that is].