Saturday 1 October 2016

the Simpleton

The Simpleton.


The Simpleton, and in said regard or said reference too, and to speak and of what is said as of the Equitable too that is, and of what is said as of a Mismatch too that is, and if not of it all even said to speak of, and of what Mediacentrism, is in all even said to be all about that is.


Of the said Simpleton, of Standings, the Simplific, or if not of (the) said Obi too that is, [Link], of Sittings, the Simplificative.

In talk too of, and of the said origins, or arisings, and of said life, African, Human, or if not of the said Simpleton too, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too of, and of said language, of speech, or if not of said linguistics too, of Africanismsof Bantuism, -->, of Kiswahili, of lugha, or if not in a said regard to, and to what could too be as said of, and of said life too, or if not of said Simplitude, or if not in a said referral to, or in talk too of, and of the said Mutative too, of Mutability, or if not of the said Copious too that is, or of the said Copy too.