Monday 18 July 2016


of Garnets.

It must be said that, one must in all even, simply place, a said even, distinction that is, or emphasis too, and between, what has been termed, and on this very Blog, as said the City [Link] too, and of what too, has been termed, Kijiji (Link) that is. That it all, can too simply be explained, and by talk, and of what is said even, Communications Protocol that is. That both Kijiji, and the City, do differ and as said as such, in talk and of what is said Communications Protocol that is, and in now too claiming that, from speak and of Kijiji (Link), and of what too, is said Script, the City, now said even probably, defined, and by talk, and of what a Conscript, is said even all about, and with Kijiji, talk too now, and of the Movie Script, and of what is said now between, and as said even Communications Protocol too, now said even to speak, and of what is said Transcript that is [all this said too, and as said even having to it all, a said, American Sentiment that is]. That in said speak though, and of all this, and as said even viewed, and from talk and of the City, speak now and of the City, and as said even perceived, and from the said even Amassing of 'Wealth' that is, but with talk of Kijiji, it now said to refer, and to what too is said to speak, and of Key-Players that is, but if not and of both Kijiji and the City, and as said now perceived, and from talk of Communications Protocol, and that does too speak, and of the said Transfer of Wealth that is. That in speak of Key-Players as such, speak too now, and of Kijiji, and as said even perceived, and from what is said Active, and Passive too, and if not of Odu Ifa (Link), and as said too Script, said even perceived as such, and in said comparison, and to what is too said Static, and Dynamic that is.

of Kijiji, and the City: