Saturday 10 October 2015

the City

the African City.

Kijiji la Nairobi.

This Blog, and many another like it, and that does too speak of Nairobi that is, cannot be said, to in all even truly attempt, to solve the said even, multitude of problems, that the City does face. That Nairobi, can in all too, be said even classified, and alongside speak of Ruin that is, and in the attempt too, and to now claim that, the City, can too very well be perceived, and in said Design, and in speak too of Space, Place, Order, Context, or Setting too that is. That in speak of Order in itself, Nairobi and as it is, has in all even failed to define itself in all, and in speak of Conventionality, or in Routine too, for Nairobi in all, can now too be said, a City of old, and not yore either [or speak too of a City, or said place too, and that can't seem to in all even escape, its said past that is].

In now saying that, there is no said believed, way out in all, and for Nairobi, and in speak and of Potential (unfulfilled), or Destiny unknown (Mbeca), is to now too, attempt to place in all, Nairobi, and in a said Context that is, and that does too speak, and of the African past that is. That Nairobi, and with its many Slums too, can too now, be said salvaged in all, and in speak and of the following concepts, African, and of Egungun, Ori, and of a said African Health too that is.

That Egungun, and as said too Nigerian, can be said correlated, and to speak of the Collective, but with it said African truly, speak now, and of Nairobi, and as said perceived, and from speak of Ancestor (and Ancestral) Images that is [and as said too, defining everyday lives in all].

In speak of Ori, speak now too, and not only of the said named Holy Family Basilica in Nairobi, but in all again, and of what they do term "Ori tutu", or speak too, and of a clear Conscience, and if not of a said "calm Head" too that is [for these are the very said States, Emotional too, often attained, and on visiting the Holy Family Basilica too that is].

African Brew

In speak and of a said African Health, is to now too perceive African Health, and from speak of Health in itself (and as said too, and to speak too of the Hybrid), and if not in speak of Resistance in itself that is [and to HIV too for instance]. That unknown to most, those said African, or of African Blood too, can too be said, innately Intelligent, and in speak and of what does pass for Intellect in itself, and when realized that, Africans, can in all even Imagine themselves, to be of a said certain Health that is, and simply and in all again, simply become it that is [that the only thoughts one needs to hold of oneself, all have to do, and with speak and of Health, and it shall in all even become manifest that is].

In all, speak now and of the City, and in Africa too, and as simply said deciphered, and from speak of Invitation only, and in said comparison, and to speak and of the Exchequer that is.

African Root Bear: