Monday 29 June 2015

the Fallen Hero

The Fallen Hero.

This Blog, should not be taken to seriously, and by anyone. It though, does attempt to deal, and with many a said even, complex issue/matter in all, and that does too, often go along in all, and with speak and of what one could term, the African Commune [and as often too, said a Homestead that is].

In however saying now that, this Blog, does very much in all, actually speak of the Fallen Hero (and as said too, an Unsung Hero that is), is to now speak and on the Fallen Hero, African, and as said even truly and intimately tied, and to speak of the African Commune that is. The very realization and by many, African too, that despite what Dreams or Beliefs they might hold or have, and as said too coming true, all there is said to be, is nothing more (or less), and than the African Commune in itself too that is.

In saying too that, or as now saying that, this Blog, does deal truly, and with the Fallen Hero, is to now remind one, or simply awaken one in all, and to other said Blogs, two of them, and of my own doing, and that do deal and with speak of Nairobi, and as termed too 'Nairo', for one of them, 'Nairo' (Link), does deal too and with the Hero, while the other Counter 'Nairo' (Link), does deal too, and with the Anti-Hero that is.

How though, to best speak of the African Commune? It in all, can be said to best go along now, and with speak too of Technology, and as said too referring, and to Authority in itself that is. Technology, and as now said too, Machine, Robot/Robotics, Automation, Machinery/Machination etc. That this form or said kind of Technology, is believed said by most, difficult to explain or understand, for it all too, is often best presented, and in a said even Movie format that is, and that does too speak of the Terminator Movie Series for instance.

In attempting though, to spuriously defend my said hypothesis here, and on the Fallen Hero too, and if not of the African Commune in itself, is to now too attempt to claim, the very world of the Fallen Hero, or that said Unsung too, can best be said approximated in all, and to the very world too, and of the Egyptian 'Mummy'/Sarcophagus that is. In saying that, it all does too speak, and of what it does in all even mean, to be Egyptian for instance, is to now too, claim that, the Commune, and as said even a Sacred Space of a kind, but it all said too, truly defined, and by speak of Authority in itself that is, now too, does associate Egyptian History, and with speak of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt in themselves, and if not of the Egyptian Commune in itself too that is (and not that said African truly either), but in speak now and again, and of European History too, and as now said too, defined by the Commune, and in speak too of King Arthur, and of the Holy Grail that is.

In all, it can be said here that, we do live in a said even complex World, and simply where it all too can be said, Man, has in all even re-invented himself, and in Authority in itself too that is, and away from speak of God in himself, and onwards, and to speak too of Angels for instance, and if not in speak now and of Credit Cards too that is [and as said too now, defining Wealth (Value), and as simply said even disposable truly that is].