Monday 18 April 2016

Political Archeology

of Political Archaeology.

It must be said that, the Blogger here, does in all even have the very goal, and of attempting truly, and to in all even define, a said East African civilization that is. That it all too, could be said, and to simply speak, and of the Great Divide (Link) post that is, and whereby, it was in all even said that, the Human, and as said even having two Parts to him, and one said even to speak and of Existence, and the other, of Subsistence, does now equate it all, and to speak and of the EAF [East African Federation], and of the EAC [East African Community], and as said too respectively that is. 

The said Field though, and of Political Archaeology, [Link], might be of some interest though, and to those in East Africa, and in their said too, studying of Civilization that is. That the said goal here, is to attempt too in all, define a said even rather, unique, Identity too, and that does too speak and of a said even East African civilization that is, and that could very well too speak, and of what too, does speak and of the said Human, or Cultural, Divide too that is (Link). That in placing it all though, and in a said Political Context too that is, is to now and again, speak and of the said two Parts of Man, and of one part and as said even to speak, and of the Me, Myself & I, and of the other, and of ones said environs too that is, and such that, History, and as said even to speak and of Political Archaeology, now does and in all even come to define, those in East Africa, and in their now probably claiming that, the Me, Myself & I, could too be said, something truly East African that is. In all and again, Egyptian History, and as said too now accessible, and to those in East Africa, and in now associating it all too, and with the very name and of Dr., Proff., Zahi Hawass that is.

If in talk too of, and of the said, even, origins, and of said knowledge, ideas, beliefs, thoughts etc., can and in all, be as said as, acquainted to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Symbols too that is, of Symbol, now is to and in all, even, associate, talk too of, and of said Freemasonry too for instance, the Freemasonic, [Link], and with talk too of, and of said Interpretation too that is, of the said Bible too that is, of Biblia, Kisw., [Link], and of the said Translation too that is, of said Odu too that is, of Odu Ifa, [Link], and of the said Transcription too that is, or if not in talk too of, and of what can in all be as said of, and of the said Animal Kingdom too that is, the Wanyama Republic, [Link], the Tracker Archetype, and if not in (the) said Convertion too that is, of Conversion, of Conversions.

In however claiming that, East African Identity, could very well be said to speak, and of the said two Halves of Man, and of Identity and as said even, right-handed, and left-handed too, is to now though firstly off, associate East African Identity, said traditional and historical too, and with speak too and of the Light and Dust postings (Link1, Link2), and which does now associate, speak and of East African Identity, and with speak and of Disease, and that does too encompass speak too and of Ebola or HIV that is, and if not of Tropical Disease truly [and if not of it all and as said even defining those in East Africa, and in speak too and of Laughter and of its said Discontents too that is]. In saying that, East African Identity today, can be said best grounded in all, and in speak and of Uganda, or of one and as said even pointing towards Uganda too, is to now associate it all, and with speak too and of the said Spiritual Warfare (Link) entry too that is. 

In however positing now that, there is a much more interesting manner in all, probably, and of those in East Africa, and as said even perceiving their very History too that is, and away and from speak and of Tropical Disease, is to now talk, and of the said even two Halves of Man, and of the left-handed, and right-handed too, and of one too, and as said even perceiving this Identity, and from speak, and of Escape, and Adventure too that is [Link]. That the left-handed, could too be said to speak and of Escape, and of the right-handed, and of Adventure, but in attempting to make full sense of all this, is to now say that, it all does too speak and of one and in Name, and in now associating it all, and with that Religion, said IFA, and not Yoruba either, and that does associate the left-handed, or Escape, and with the very name and of Ifa, and of the right-handed, or of Adventure too, and with the name of Esu, but in bringing it all together, speak now, and of the very name of Orunmila too that is [that this does in all even speak, and of the very manner in all, those in East Africa, should perceive talk of IFA (Ori) : and as simply said Ifa, Esu and Orunmila too that is]. In all and again, and in speak too and of IFA that is, speak and of Tropical Disease, and of Laughter and in its said Discontents too, could too be said equated, and to what Ase, [Link], is said even all about that is.