Monday 18 July 2016

the Play

The African Play.

In this entry, we shall too, attempt, to in all even present, the said even Political History and of the World too, and from a said even manner in all, and that does too speak, and of what is said Formation that is, and in said comparison, and to what too is said Character that is, for the former in all, Formation, does too, talk, and of what is said a Play too for instance. That it too can be said, that Africa, and from the said even perspective, and of what too has been termed Kijiji (Link) and on this very Blog  too, can too, be said even, summarized in all, and in talk, and of the Play in itself that is.

That the said even, Political History and of the World, can too be said even, and to speak and of certain said Formation, and that does too speak, and of History and as it is too said perceived, and from talk too, and of what Academia, is in all even said to be that is. That the most known of these said Formations, does now speak too, and of Greece, and Egypt, and as said even perceived, akin to each other, and in said talk too, and of what is said Intellect, and if not and of what is said Monument too that is. That one of the more unknown of these said Formations, which though, has been utilized and by the Blogger here, and on writing on East Africa [Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5, Link6], does now simply claim that, talk of Civilization, and as said too now Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and if not African too, or as said to speak and of Egypt, Greece, Italy and Africa too, does now too claim it all even, to very much border, and to talk, and of what race in itself, is actually said all about that is. That there does too exist other such said Formation, said even important, and in the understanding of many an Event in History, and that does too speak and for instance, and of Egypt-Jerusalem-Italy, or of Egypt-Italy-France, and if not that too simply said to speak now, and of Egypt-Italy that is. It is the latter of these said, that said Egypt-Italy that is, and that is too said defining, and of History today, said too Political, and that does too even refer, and to talk, and of the said even Politic of the Body, and if not of said Roman History, and of the very names of Caesar, and Brutus, that too of Napolean, and if not in said speak too now, and of History, and as said even perceived, and as said British too that is. This entry though, will attempt to define, Africa, and from a said even Formation, and that does too now talk and of Italy-Egypt-Africa, and of what too, is believed said even to speak, and of the said even, Existence, and of life in itself that is. That does life exist, and on its very said own? That does life exist, and on its very own accord? That does life exist, and as said too in existence?

In having said the above, is to now attempt and to in all present all this said, and from said too Time Perspectives, and that do in all even now associate, speak of Time, and with what too, is said even, Prophecy in itself that is. That it all too, does refer, and to speak, and of what are said Structure, and of Egypt too, what is said too Construct, and of Africa too, and if not of what is said too Module probably, and of Italy too that is. That it all too, can be said, to in all present Africa, and from speak and of Time, and that does too in all reference Africa in itself, and in said speak too, and of what a Time Standard is said too all about, and if not of Construct, and as said even to speak, and of a said even African Time, and of Structure, speak now and of Time in Africa, and as said even Continental too that is, but in speak of Module, speak now and of Time in Africa, and as simply said even perceived, and as said too, Regional that is, and if not as said Local too. 

It is in speak though, and of Construct, and simply where and in all again, we do not only find talk, and of what is too said 'African Time' that is, and as said even now, to refer, and to said even African Identity, said even now, perceived, and as said Socialized, or Politicized too that is. That it all too, does speak and of African Identity today, and as said even meeting, or merging, and with that said to speak, and of History in itself, and that does too ask and of what too is said even, a Haunted, Splintered or Split Self too, and if not of what is too said Disassociation in itself that is. That in understanding these said definers of the Self, and as said too now African too, is to now associate the Haunted Self, and with talk and of Reconsideration in itself, the Splintered Self, and with talk of Reconstruction in itself that is, the Split Self, and with talk of Reconciliation in itself, but in talk of Disassociation, talk now too, and of what is said Recollection in itself that is. In talk though, and of what is said Structure and in Africa, and as said too now, and to speak and of what is said too Continental Time in Africa, is to now talk, and of Africa perceived, and from talk and of Practise, Practice, Consciousness, and if not of Media too that is. That in talk of Practise, Africa, and as said too now perceived, and from what too, is said Monument in itself that is. That from talk and of Practice, talk now, and of what is too said Alignment in itself, but in said talk and of Consciousness, talk now too, and of what is said said to refer, and to talk and of Pragmatism in itself that is. In said talk and of Media though, talk now too, and of what is too, said Character in itself, but as said African too that is.

In now too saying that, talk, and of what is Module, and if not of Africa too, and as said even perceive Regional in its ways, and if not Local too, is to now too associate such said talk, and with talk and of what is said too, Worldly, Global, and if not International too that is. 

This entry though, does truly pertain, and to deal, or speak too of, and of what is said the Play, and as said too, to speak, and of what is said Kijiji (Link), and not of that Play, and as said African that is. That in speak and of the Play and as said African, speak too now, and of what is too said perceived to refer, and to a said even National Character that is, but that and in all again, in speak now, and of the Play, and as said even now defining, and of Kijiji in itself, speak now and of what Planar Existences, are in all even said all about, and as said even to speak, and of the said Metaphysics, and of what too are said Dimensions that is. That the Play, does too define, what is said Planar that is, and not Dimensional truly either, and with the latter now, said too perceived, and as said arising, and from talk, and of what too, is said Planar that is. That the Play, can too be said to ask, and of what is said Whole, and if not of what is said One, and if not of what is said Solitary, and of what is said Unitary too that is. That the Play, does now too, speak and of the Group, and if not of what is said Individuation, and Individuation too, and that is too said to arise, and from talk, and of what is said Interplay, or Interaction too, and within a said Group Formation too that is. That the Play, does now too, truly define Africa in itself, and in speak and of Belief in itself too, and Belief too, and that does too merge, and with talk and of what is said Prophecy, and such that, it does in all even present, its said Characters, the Play that is, and from the very perspective, and of what is said Self-Image in itself too, and as said even to refer, and to talk and of God, and in said Prophecy too, and if not of the Play, and as said even perceived, far more Intellectually adept and than most would believe it to be, and in now claiming that, it does too delve deeper, the Play that is, and from talk and of what is said Esteemable, and to speak now, and of the said understanding and of life on this very Earth, and from talk too, and of what is said (Call-and) Response in itself that is.

Kijiji [Kampala].