Saturday 30 July 2016


of Reciprocity.

The very term of Reciprocity, can too be said even perceived, and from talk and of the scientific, and if not of physics too, and as said even to refer, and to the said even Field of Classical Mechanics that is, and of what too, does speak, and of the said even, push-pull effect that is. That talk of Reciprocity, can too be said even applied, and to many a thing said discussed, or debated too, and that does in all even now place talk of it all, Reciprocity that is, and in talk too, and of what Trust in itself, is in all even said all about, and if not of what too, self/Self- Trust that is, is in all even said to be, and as said even to speak, and of the very manner in all, it is too believed, culture, and in East Africa too, said too folk, or popular that is, does in all even arise.

Of East Africa; Of Folk culture, in-accordance, in-step, of Reciprocity, of Trust, of Materials, of Religion, "the Power of the Cross"; Of the Folk Hero, in-accordance, in-step, of consciousness, of conscience; Of Olorun, in-Existence, of Ifa religion, in-Reality, of Ebo, of Esu, in-accordance, in-line.

That Reciprocity, is too best said perceived, and from a said even Material stance, and that can too, be said to talk, and of the very said term of Stratum, Geological too, and of what too is believed said even to speak, and of the cause-and-effect, and if not of the Earth, and as said even primarily perceived, and from talk, and of what Rocks too, are in all even said to be that is.

In however applying, talk, and of Reciprocity, and to talk too, and of what is said Religion in itself, is to now too, speak of it all, and from the said even perspective, and of what is believed said to in all speak, and of the said 'power of the Cross'  for instance, and as said even now to speak, and of a said conscience, or consciousness too, and that does in all even permeate, most of the said even, World out there that is.