Wednesday 13 July 2016


of Triangulation.

When we do speak, and of what is said Triangulation, we are too said even, to refer to it all, and as said too, Perception in itself, and perception too, and that does too ask, or talk, and of what is said too, Order in itself that is. That Triangulation, is said too, and to refer, and to talk, and of what too Pyramids are in all even said to be, and in now too claiming that, Order, and as said even to speak, and of the very term of Pyramid, does too speak or refer, and to the said term too, and of Egyptian that is, and as said even to speak, and of Order, and in the said History too, and of Egypt, and if not of Order, and that does too speak, and of what Conspiracy too, is in all even said to be.

In saying that, Triangulation, can too be said even, applied, and to talk, and of solving many a said problem, and in Africa too, is to now perceive it all, and from talk, and of what is too said Kijiji (Link) that is. That it all too, does now center talk and of Africa, and in talk and of what Kijiji is said to be, and as said even to refer now, and to Africa perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said Condition, Context, and if not Fetish too that is. That in talk of Condition, speak too now, and of Africa, and as said even Continent, but in talk of Context, talk of Africa, and in said History too, but in said talk of Fetish, now the said problematic stance, and of viewing Africa, and from talk and of said Ancestors that is. 

In understanding the above said, much clearer, is to now too, point out, the very manner in all, Condition, Context, and Fetish too, can be said even perceived, and from talk, and of Triangulation in itself. That Condition, and in Africa, can too be said even to speak, and of what is too said Psycho-dynamic, what is said Psycho-sexual, and if not of what is said Psycho-somatic too, and with all this said, said too, a manner and of viewing Condition that is, and that is too said, American in its ways. That what is said Psycho-dynamic, and in said even African society and in the very least, can too be said to speak, and of those too said White, while talk, and of what is said Psycho-sexual, could too be said even to speak, and of those said Brown, and with those said Black, now said too perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Psycho-somatic that is. That Context, and as said to speak, and of Africa and in said History, does too perceive Africa, and from talk and of Direction, Impression, and if not Name too, but can too and again, talk of Context that is, and in East Africa too, be said to talk, and of Egypt, and in Direction, and if not and of the said even now, Field of Psychiatry too that is, but that in all again, talk of Context, and in East Africa, can too be said even, to refer, and to what Theology is said to be, and Theology too, said even to speak, and of the Congo, and in Name that is; In said talk though, and of Context, and in East Africa too, and as said even truly East African that is, speak now of it, and as said even Commune, and if not as said even to refer, and to talk and of the Swahili lands, and in Impression too that is. In speak and of Fetish, now is to say it too things: Religion, and Communications. That Fetish, and as said too Religion, does too, and from said speak that is, and of African society, does too now refer, and to talk, and of Ancestors, but that in all again, in said speak and of Triangulation, Fetish, now said even to define Africa, and from the said even perspective, often said Commercial too, and of what is too said, Technology, Money, and if not Commodity too that is. That in speak of Technology, and from the said too perspective, and of Fetish, speak now, and of the said even Religion, and of Voodoo, and as said even defining Africa, historically, and from talk and of the said technology, Africans did in all possess, but in talk of Money, and from the said even perspective of Fetish, now is to refer, and to talk too and of Religion in Egypt probably, said too Roman Egyptian that is, and if not of further said speak, and of Vodoun in Africa, but in said further regard, and to what is now said even Commodity, and from speak of Fetish that is, speak now too, and of Christianity, and as said even, African Religion in itself too that is.

All the above said, and from the said perspective too, and of what is said Kijiji, and of African life in East Africa too, and as said even centered and in talk too of as such, what Kijiji is said to be that is, and as said even now, defining Africa truly, and from talk, and of what Perception in itself, is too said even all about that is. That Kijiji, is now too simply said even, Perception in itself, and perception too, and as said to speak, and of what is said Ori (Link) that is, but if not and again, said now to speak, and of the said belief that, the said Religion and of Ifa, and as said even, not Yoruba truly in its ways, or origins too, but simply said Ifa that is, could too be said even and to talk and of Kijiji in itself, and from the said perspective too, and of Ifa, and as simply said even perceived and as said truly Script, and Script only, and not Oriki truly either.

Kijiji [Kinshasa].