Friday 8 July 2016

Political Ethnography

of Political Ethnography.

This entry, will in all even attempt, to delineate that is, what is too said to speak, and of Regional Politics that is, and in East Africa too, and as said even best perceived, a said even mode of operations, and if not said vehicle too, and by which, Development, and in East Africa, is best said even, gauged by that is. That talk of Politics, and in East Africa, could too be said even, to in all even approach, talk, and of what Affiliations, and if not Affinity too, are in all even said all about, and in now too claiming that, it all does too lead and to talk, and of the said even difficult, or complicated too, nature, and of truly tracking any said future Progress or Development truly, and in East Africa that is. That the said term of Political Ethnography, now does in all even attempt to define East Africa, and away from talk, and of what is said Nationality, or of what a National Conscience too, is in all even said all about, and onwards now, and to talk truly, and of what is said Community, Commune, and if not of the Communal too that is.

Of Nationalism.

The said even belief here that, said Development in East Africa, is believed said even, truly hampered in its ways, and by its said failure, and to in all even truly define itself, and in said speak of Regional Politics truly, and not those Politics said even National, and if not as said Historical too that is. That Regional Politics in East Africa, could too best be said even identified, and with talk and of what Networks, and Systems too, are too said even all about, and in said comparison now, and to talk and of what Government, said National too, is said even to be that is. That Regional Politics, and in East Africa, do now best identify East Africa, and alongside talk of Rwanda, and Burundi too, and in said comparison, and to talk too, and of the Swahili world that is, and in said regard too, and to what too does pass for Regional Development, and as said even now defined, or perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said Intelligence, National, and if not of what too are said Classification Systems too that is.

That Political Ethnography, and in East Africa, can now be said even detailed, and as said as follows too:

Community: In speak of Community, and in East Africa, and from a said even Political Ethnography stance, is to now associate it all, and with talk too, and of what is said even African Religion, and if not that too said even, to speak, and of what too, Possession, is actually said even all about that is. That Community in East Africa, is believed said even grounded, and in talk and of African Religion in itself, and by which, we have in this very Blog, attempted to in all identify it all, and with talk, and of the very said Title, and of the Curator [Link] too, and of the African Museum too that is. In many a way, Community, said even, the very manner in all, and by which those in East Africa, do in all even truly identify, and as said African too that is.

Commune: In speak and of the Commune, and in East Africa, is to not only identify East Africa, and with talk and of it said even Catholic, and in said Commune too, but that in speak and of Commune, it all too now said even to border, and to speak and of Identity in East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said Kinship, Kindred, and if not of what is said Kin too that is. In many a way, the Commune, and as said too identifying East Africa, and as said even truly East African that is, and if not as said too identified, and from talk and of what is said too, and to speak, and of a said psycho-somatic psychology that is, and which does too ask of one, to in all even identify and with talk of what is said Nerve (and of said Worry, and Fear), and if not and of what is said too Touch that is.

Communal: In speak and of said Communal Identity, and in East Africa, speak now and of it said even identified, and with talk too, and of what Mediacentrism in itself, is in all even said all about that is. In many a way too, speak now, and of East Africa, and as said even perceived primarily, and from talk too and of Media in itself, and if not and of what too, does constitute, and for a said even International Image, and of East Africa too, and that does too border, and to talk, and of what is said even believed to stand for International Development, and if not of International Politics too, and in East Africa too that is. In all, East African Identity, and as said Communal, said too defined, and by talk and of what is said Gender, Sex & Type that is.

In all, the very said belief here too that, East Africa, and in said Community, and if not as said African, does too perceive itself as such, and in speak too and of the Congo (Link) that is, and not Nigeria, or South Africa too, but in said speak of the Commune, speak now too, and of East Africa (Link), and as said even identifying and with the Arab World, and in said speak, and of what too does pass for said even Arab-African relations (Link) that is, but in speak and of the Communal, perhaps a said even here, enjoinder, and that does too approach said Western-African relations, and from talk truly now, and of the City of New York [Link] in itself, and if not in said History too that is.