Friday 1 July 2016


of Egyptology.

When we do in all even attempt, to in all too, simply define, what a said East African civilization, can too be said even to refer, it all too, can be said to speak, and of what Existence, is actually said to be. For while many a said, talk, and on Development, and in East Africa, or in Africa in itself too, does in all even focus, and on what Community, and if not Family too, are in all even said to be, is to now claim that, what is said Existence, does in all even differ, and as said even to speak, and of what is said to refer, and to the said Field of Egyptology too that is.

That Egyptology, does now too refer, and to speak and of Existence, and as said even defined, and from the said even perspectives that is, and of what is said Religion, Philosophy, Art, Commerce, Technology, Literature, Politics etc., and which does and in all even take, and on the said Western World Worldview, and which does too attempt, to present what too is said Reality, and from probable talk too now, and of what a Theorem, can too be said to be all about that is. That Egyptology, does now offer, a said even more significant manner that is, and of studying what is said even Reality, and from a said Existence, Existential perspective that is, and in said comparison, and to the said Western World, and that does too ground speak of Reality, and from said speak too, and of the said Newtonian Worldview, and that does too refer, and to what too, a Theorem, is in all even said all about that is.

In now too saying that, Egyptology, is in all even said to refer, and to what Mediacentrism, is said even all about, is to now too claim that, Egyptology, does in all even have Victorian Antecedents to it all, and in now too associating speak and of Mediacentrism, and with it all even said now, perceived, and from speak, and of what Existence is actually said to be, and with said talk too, and of Southern Africa, South Africa, Scientology, and if not in said speak too now, and of the said world of the Zulu Shaman too that is.