Wednesday 2 December 2015


of Britishness.

Britain, Ask Of Thyself - British Battle Song.

In the said equating of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Britishness too that is, of British Identity, Culture, History, Politics, or Status, and to talk too of, or of what can and in all, and of the said British Lion too that is, of Authority, of Emergence, of Rule, the self-less, now is to and in all, even, perceive, reference, talk too of, of Models, Modellings, and of said Africanness too that is, [Link], the Africanized, and if not in talk too of, of Imprints, Prints, ->, of Impressions, of Imprints, Imprints, ->, of Pressions, of Imprints, Impressions, ->, of Prints, and of the said following too that is:

of Interests, African, -> the Utmostly, the Utmost, of Pyramids in Egypt, [Link], the Ultimately, the Ultimate, of Into Africa, [Link], [Link], the Great Sphinx.
of Intent, African, ->, of Intentionability, the Definitive, the Descriptive, [Link].
of Film, African, ->, of Tape, [Link], of Contact, the Corresponding, the Connective.
of Imprints, African, ->, of Genes, [Link], the Typified, the Typifying, of Sirighi, [Link].
of Authority, African, ->, of Enbodiment, the Typical, the self, [Link].
of Archetypes, African, ->, of Insanity, the Controlling, the Conditional.
of Ideals, African, ->, of Examples, [Link], of Paradigms, the Template.
of Samples, African, ->, of Samplings, the Sampled, the Illustrative.

of Imprints.