Tuesday 29 December 2015

Literary Classics

of Literary Classics.

In a previous entry, and that did speak of Interests (Link), it was in all even outlined, a said intention, and by the blogger here, and in seeking out prosperity, and in Canada too. However, what can too be said here is that, this entry, does deal, and with another said manner in all, and of observing or analyzing too, Human Behaviour, and as said to speak, and of what it does mean to be Curious that is. That Curious, is said differing and from one and as said possessing, or holding Interest too, and in any said thing, but what can best be said about Curious here, is that, it is what is said too defining, and of what a Literary Classic, is said to be all about.

That this said manner in all, and of viewing our said World for instance, now too, can best be said to go along in all, and with what Dance in itself, is said to be, and if not in speak, and of what Attention, is too said to be, and as simply said to speak and of the Identifying of etc., and if not, the Associating of oneself, and with just about anything too that is.

In having said the above though, that it is Dance too, and that does in all even help and in defining any of us, and as said Curious, is to now perhaps, simply speak of Curious, and as said to refer, and to speak and of what Curiosity/Instinctive, Threat/Danger, and if not of the Scary/Frightening too, are in all even said about. That Curious in itself, is perhaps said best associated in all, and with speak, and of what Stick Dance, is said to be all about. In having said that though, now is too speak, and of Human relations in all, and as perceived and from speak and of Dance in itself, and of Curiosity/Instinctive, and as probably said having to do, and with the very term of Kaiso! (Link), and if not of the name of Katherine Dunham too, and if not of Janelle Monae now, and in her said hit video Yoga (Link) too that is. In speak of Threat/Danger, and of Dance too, speak now too, and of the Tango Dance, but in speak and of the Scared/Frightened, speak now too, and of what does serve too for Martial, Sacred, Secular, and if not of Ritual Dance too that is.

In the attempt though, to in all Politicize all this, the claim in all that, there is a said Psychology, and that does too speak of the Curious, and if not of what Attention in itself, is said to be, and as said to speak of the Identifying, or of the Associating too, is to now and in all, attempt to in all even, associate such talk, and with speak too and of what they do term Power Play, Power Moves, and if not Power Politics too, and in Northern America too that is. Perhaps something difficult to explain, the very manner in all, everyday life in Northern America, and if not of the United States of America truly, has in all even come to be defined in all, and by speak and of Power, and as said too perceived in all, and from speak and of the Curious in itself, and not from speak of Interest truly either. That what they do term Attention-seeking, and if not in speak too and of one and as simply said having, holding, possessing, or even carrying Curiosity (Link) to them, is to now speak and of the defining and of everyday life in the United States of America today, as such, and such that, it has in all even come to be said defining, and of what too does speak of Crime and in the United States of America today, and if not of Minority, Immigrant or in speak too of, Alien Rights, and in the United States of America too that is. That it all, now does see to it, a complicated manner in all, and of viewing American History, and that does Associate speak and of said African peoples, and in the United States of America too, and with speak too and of the names of Montezuma, Quetzalcoatl, Hayiti, and if not of Jamaica too that is. In many a way too, in the attempt to in all even Identify that is, what does truly pass for American Identity, and as said too Racialized that is, speak now too, and of it said Caucasoid, or Negroid (Olmec) too, but in saying that, the United States of America, does have a said Hidden or Secret History to it, is to now too, associate speak of the said History of Washington D.C. for instance, and with speak too and of the very term of Africoid, and as said to speak and of the Founding Fathers, Freemasons in America, and if not of Native American Indian Physiognomies too that is.

In finalizing all this though, and as said to speak too of Africa, speak now perhaps, and of what too Brands, are said to be, and not Political Symbolism truly either, for it all too, does now speak and of Africa, and as perceived too and from speak and of Gathering (Egypt), Celebration (Nigeria), and Praise (South Africa) too, and if not of the History too, and of Quebec and New York State, and as said perceived, as one too that is.