Saturday 26 December 2015

the Free World

The Free World.

Marcus Clarke.

In respect, or said even regard, and to the said previous post on Sino-African Relations, is to now attempt here, to in all even declare Africa, and as said too the Free World that is. That it all, does now speak, and of the said best manners in all, and of tracking History, of Britain Kenya, [Link], of Britain, of/in History, the Historicized, and in its said Development too, and along the said lines, and of speak too of, and of what Experience, the Collective, [Link], and if not of said Memory too, are in all too said to be all about that is.

In talk too of, and of the said Body too that is, of Bodies, African, of Symbology, [Link], of Mwil-i, Kisw., the Body, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Free too that is, of Freedom, of Motiveof Sanity, of Reticence, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Imposing too that is, of Impositions, or if not of the said Restricted too, of Restrictions, or if not in a said referral to, and to the said Inhibited too, of Inhibitions, of Symbols, of Africa, of India, or if not of said Restraint too, of Restraint, of Constraints, or if not in a said refferal to, nowly, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Behaviour too that is, of Behaviour, of Tabia, Kisw., of Ntu, Kisw., or if not in a said regard to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Freely Beating Heart too that is, of Heartsthe Heartof Realization, of Self-Realization, of Heart-Beats, the Body, the self, of Sense, of Sensibility, the Sensible.

Of such said Realization too, of the said Freely Beating Heart, or if not in talk too of, in Positingthe Freely, and of the said Open too that is, of Opennessthe Openly, or if not of said Constraints too that is, or of the said Without Constraint too that is, of Memory, of Outlines, of Outlinings, or if not as said too that is, as such, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Alignment too that is, of Alignments, of Evolution, the Evolutional, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Recognition too that is, of Recognition, of Insanity, of Acknowledgement, or if not of the said self too, in Question, of selfs, the African self, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Control too that is, of Control, of Self-Control, of Evolution, the Evolving, or if not in a said regard to, of Mwil-i, Kisw., the Body, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Behaviour too that is, of Behaviour, of Response, African, of Comportment, or if not in talk too of, nowly, of Ways, of Manners, in Perception, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Action too that is, of Actions, of Evolution, the Evolutionary, of Conduct, of Note, the Noteworthy.

That the New World, (of Africa, +, the Americas), and as often said to speak of the very History and of the said rise or birth, and of the United States of America in itself too, now does see speak and of the Old World and so to say, associated, and with the said History too, and of Ancient Egypt, and which is in all even perceived, and from speak and of Experience, and Memory too, and Experience and Memory too, and as said in regard and to speak too and of the New World, does see it all speak, and of the said even Opening of ones eyes, and to all said sorts of new Experiences, and that do too speak, and of what Blindness, and in Psychology too, is said to be all about [and in speak here too, and of what is believed said truly representative, and of Beauty in itself for instance][Link].

That the Free World, now is too said to speak and of Africa, can and in Experience too, and if not Memory in itself, probably in all, said best perceived, and from speak and of Deafness, and if not in speak and of the Mute, and in Psychology too [and in said speak here, and of what one chooses to hear, or listen to], of Noise, Sound, Distortion, Kelele, Kisw., etc., but that in all again, the Free World, of Africa, <--, of India, of Freedom(s), and as said to speak and of Africa, can too be perceived in all, and in a said two-fold manner that is, and that does too now associate, Civilization in itself, and with speak of Egypt (and not Africa either), and with the said too Northern Hemisphere that is, for it too can be said, another said differing manner in all, and of viewing Civilization, does too arise or exist, and with speak too and of Hindu Civilization, and of the said even Dark or Black races too that is. That Egyptian Civilization, and if not in speak and of those inhabiting the Northern Hemisphere, is in all even associated and with speak too, and of what Chi, Ki, Qi, Prana etc. [Link], are in all even said to be, for Hindu Civilization on the otherhand, and if not in speak too and of the Dark races, does find it all associated too, and with speak and of what Kundalini, is said to be all about.

In saying that, the above said manner in all, and of tracking History, and in said Development too, and that does in all even posit, and in Experience, and Memory too that is, Egyptian Civilization, and against that too said Hindu that is, can too be said to speak, and of the very manner in all, Australia in itself, did come to be, and as it is known today, for speak of the Free World on the otherhand, does best associate speak of Africa, and not with speak and of South Africa either, but instead, in speak and of the said rise of Nigeria that is, and to what it is today, for it all now too, and in speak of the previous entry on Sino-African Relations, does attempt to debate, what does pass for the African Experience, and African Memory too, and as said to go along in all, and with speak and of the said even History, and of Slavery, and Colonialism too, and in Africa that is [and alongside speak too and of Nigeria's believed said even burgeoning, Creative Arts Industry that is].

In all, the Free World, and as said too centered and in speak of East Africa truly, and not Kenya truly either, now does associate speak of Experience, and Memory in Africa, and with that too said to speak and of, and of the said Victorian Imagination in Africa too that is, and if not in said Australia too that is.