Saturday 26 December 2015

Sino-African Relations

of Sino-African Relations.

In speak and of what Sino-African Relations, are said to be all about, is to now too, perhaps, attempt to present it all, and from speak, and of what Democracy [Link1, Link2], is too said to be all about. That Africa, and to this very day it can be said, or as it is too perceived by some, does in all even continue to struggle, and with it said defining itself, and in speak too and of what Experience [Life's experience], and if not Memory too, are in all too said to be all about. That for some, this very issue or matter in all, said even rather defining and of African Politics, and African Political life too, does in all even attempt to in all even associate, speak and of Experience, and Memory too, and with speak and of Probability, and Statistic [and of a said too Per Capita Analysis for instance], speak and of the Upgrade, and the Update too [and of Development in Nigeria too], and if not of Expectation, and Circumstance too that is. 

In saying that, the above does in all speak and of Africa's said relations, and with the Western World too, and in the attempt to in all even define Democracy, and as said in place in Africa too, is to now though, speak and of the said Potential, or Role too, that China in all, does have, and in helping Africa, truly define itself, and in a said even Post-Colonial Africa [and of the African Experience and Memory], and not that said Post-Independence either [and of Institution, and Law Frameworks and in Africa today too].

That the Post-Independence view and of Africa, is believed said to speak and of Africa's relations, and with the West too, but in now associating it all, and with speak and of Democracy too, China, can too now be said to help develop Africa in all, and from speak too, and of what Exposure [Link1, Link2], is and in all said to be, and if not of what Transparency [Link1, Link2], is and in all said to be all about that is. That in viewing China as such, is to now too claim that, China and as said even rising, and in speak too of Development, and that does too speak of China, and as said even possessing Superpower Status that is, does too speak and of China, and in Experience, and if not in Memory truly, but that in all again, it all does too speak and of Africa today, and as said even often associated truly, and in Development that is, and if not in Progress truly, and with speak, and of what they do term the Party-State Model that is.

In all, and in the name and of what Progress is said to be all about, recent said attempts, and in Civilizing Africa and as some would say (and of the Church in Africa too), and not Developing it truly either, has in all even led to many a question, and that does too speak and of Discriminatory Attitudes, and as having to truly do, and with speak and of what Whiteness, Blackness, and if not Brownness too [and of said Indian Communities, and in the whole of Africa too], are in all said to be all about, but in speak and of what Democracy is said to be all about too, it said too, truly defining/re-defining Human relations that is, is to now perhaps and along the lines and of speak and of Chinese Culture, and of a Chinese Democracy too, associate it all, and with the very word/term of Notion [and of what Dependency is too said to be all about], and in now associating Whiteness, and with Notions of Purity, Blackness, and with Notions of the Sacred, and Brownness, and with Notions of Courage in itself that is.

In all, of Sino-African Relations, of China, Mainland, and as said too best centered, and in speak too of, and of said Tanzania in itself too that is, of East Africa, region.