Saturday 26 December 2015


of African Interests.

In saying that, this Blog and on Nairobi, Anti 'Nairo', is said too more defining and of life in itself, and in Nairobi too, and in said comparison, and to speak and of the Blog 'Nairo', or of Counter 'Nairo' too, is to now too say that, life in Nairobi, does still very much appear, to be truly defined in all, and by speak and of Motive (Link) too that is. 

This entry though, is said to speak, and that far-flunged, or far-distanced too, said land too here, and of Canada that is. That it does too ask of many a said person here, or speak specifically too, and of Bik (Link), Vic (Link), one said Pat. Muhindi too (Link), I the Blogger here too (or Belini), and if not of one too said Hosea Litiku (Link) that is. That we could all move to Canada, and in the name of jest too, and if Success, or Happiness too, is said not forthcoming anytime soon, and in Nairobi, or Kenya too that is [and in this very lifetime too].

That Canada, is said a pace in all, best perceived, and from speak of Interests, for most in all again, do not actually view it all, Canada that is, and from speak of Ambition either, but in all again, from speak of Drive, and if not Publicity in itself too that is. That in understanding all this better, it is Drive, that is believed said to be at the very center in all, and of the said rise or birth too, and of Canada, and which does in all even lead, and to speak of Canadian History, and as said too now, playing itself out, and in speak of Economy (and of Status, and Identity too), and if not in speak of Profiles (and as said too Cultural, Political, and Religious too).

In saying that, there could very well be said existent opportunity, and in Canada, and for those who do wish to in all even, attain Independence, or Autonomy too, and in the said name too of Sport, Game and if not Recreation in itself, is to now approach, speak of Canadian Policy Research, and as said to speak too of Psychology, Sociology, and if not of the Behavioural Sciences in themselves too that is. That it all, now does too speak and of what Interests, Political, are in all even said to be, for it does now too refer, and to Canadian life, and as said in all even deciphered, and from speak of Public (the Blogger), Private (BiK), Corporate (Pat.), National (Vic.), and if not Family (Hosea) Interests too that is. That there could be said opportunity here, and of truly making it in Canada as such, in the name of Interests, and which does in all even speak and of Canada, and in Instability too, and if not in said speak of Incompetence or Ineptitude too, and as said now viewed in all, and from speak of Inflation, Inflationary Rates (often termed Interests Rates too), and if not in speak of Flattery in itself too that is.

of Hosea.