Wednesday 30 December 2015


of Ordinance.


When we do talk of Ordinance, we are in all even referring, and to the said 'Order in place', or speak too, and of our said perceptions, and of what Shaping, Molding or Conditioning too, are in all even said to be. That Ordinance, does in all even best talk here, and of the said even problematic nature, and of Gender relations in Africa, and which have in all even led many, to simply associate African societies, and with those too said Primitive, Heathen, or simply said Uncivil too that is.

That in understanding all this too better, is to now associate speak of society, and with speak too, and of what custom, tradition, ceremony, rite, ritual etc., are, but what can too be said is that, when one does too speak of 'the Order in place', and in regard and to speak too of African societies today, and as said too perceived and from speak of Gender relations that is, one too can say, it all does come down and to speak, and of what the Customary, and if not of what Customary Law in itself, and as said too defining any said Order, are said to be, and  in Africa today that is. That it all too, is believed said even, the driving force, the Customary or Customary Law that is, and of just about any endeavour to be seen in Africa today, and as said to speak too, and of why Africa does today possess, quality Real Estate to it for instance.

In saying that, the very said world of Customary Law, or of the Customary too, is said too defining, and of what they do term Political Tensions in Africa, and as said too rising, is to now too say that, most in Africa, would too be said, or can too be said, to have a difficulty, and in defining Ordinance in their lives, and as said to speak too and of Direction, and of Alignment too, and other than in speak, and of what Commentary, is said to be. That this all, does take on our said Media driven societies, and whose content in all, Media today that is, is not always believed too helpful, and other than in speak, and of that too simply said Commentary that is.

In reverting though, and to speak primarily and of what does too truly pass for Gender relations, and in Africa, and as simply said too, and alongside speak of the African State that is, simply said Failed in their ways, is to now ponder, the said difficulty in all, and of creating/fomenting such relations, Gender, for it is to now too, simply claim Customary Law, and in Africa today, and as said too, to speak and of Privilege in itself that is. In all ways too, relations now, Gender, said now too defined in all, and in speak too and of the Correspondent, the Respondent, the Despondent, and if not of the Exponent too [Hopefully, this is all understood, and from said speak here, and of what too does pass for an Affair in itself, and of the very fact that, Africans to this very day, do too have a problem in all, defining, Intimacy in their said lives that is].

In finality though, the very belief that, it can be said that, speak of Ordinance, or of the said too 'Order in place', or in speak too and of what Shaping, Molding or Conditioning too, are too said to be, it in all even now, can be said, to speak of African Oracle Readers, or Diviners too, and if not of what they do term Male and Female Energies, and as said too, to in all even speak of us, and in said Aversion, Diversion, Subversion, and if not in Revision too that is.