Saturday 26 December 2015


of Attitude.

When we do talk of Attitude here, we are too perhaps, believed said even, acknowledging, the said belief that, we do live in a World said even driven in all, and by speak too, and of what Populism, is said to be. In supporting this said proposed view, and of a said  even World today, said possessing a Populist Worldview to it all, is to now associate it all, and with speak too of Attitude, and as said even defining just about any one of us, and with it all too, said to speak and of what they do term a Defeatist Attitude, and if not of the Psychological Condition, and of Delirium too that is.

In saying that, this very Blog, does attempt to in all even too, destroy, what does too perhaps pass for Sentiment today, and as said even Media driven, and if not as said truly representing the Popular too, is to now too, associate speak and of the World, and in Worldview too, Media driven, and with speak too and of what Direction is said to be, and if not of Alignment/Re-alignment too, and of what too perhaps, they do too term/call, a Negative/Positive Attitude that is [and in said speak too here and of what Positivism, is said to be, and as said to speak too, and in Italy that is, and of what they do term/call the Beatitudes that is].

In now attempting to explain, Direction, and if not Alignment too, and as said to speak too, and of what they do term a Negative/Positive Attitude, is to now associate it all too, and with speak and of what, they do term Conscience, Perception, Conscientiousness, and if not Character too. That it all, now does too speak and of what Media Development, and if not Media Studies, and in Africa, can too be said to be all about, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak and of what a Negative/Positive Attitude, is said to be, and if not in speak too, and of what both Direction, and Alignment/Re-alignment, are too said to be all about.

That Conscience, is often by some believed to speak too, and of the very name of Egypt, for it all does now present any said Reality, and from speak too, and of Awareness, Conscious States, and if not from speak and of Consciousness in itself too. That while Asian Civilization, is known to concentrate, and on speak and of what too Consciousness is said to be, that said Western, does in all even associate itself truly, and with speak of Conscious States that is, while Africa, is in all even believed said truly ruled over, and by speak and of what Awareness in itself, is said to be [Awareness too, and that does too speak and of our said even perceptions, and of a Puff Adder, and if not of a Vulture too that is].

That Perception, is something truly believed African in its ways, and if not in speak, and of what Curiosity, and the Instinctive too, are too said to be [and in further said speak here, and of what too Threat and Danger, are too said to be], but that in all again, Perception in Africa, is too said to speak, and of what an Infection is said to be all about, and if not of what a Virus too, is said to be. That for many, speak of Viruses, African, Not African, is too known to speak of Religion, and that does too refer, and to the attempt and in defining Africa, and along the said lines and of what Alienation [Egypt], Capacity [the Congo], Challenge [Nigeria], and if not of Compromise too [Kenya], are in all even said to be all about, and if not in speak, and of African lives, and as said too defined and from speak and of Sleep [Sleepy States], Dream, Hallucination etc. [Link].

That Conscientiousness, and as said too and to refer, and to speak and of Anatolia [East African Anatolia] [Link], and as said even presenting a differing view or picture, and of Africa too, does now too present speak and of Africa, and from what they do term Emotional States that is, and if not in speak and of the said Field (of Study) and of Psychiatry (Link) in itself too that is.

Finally, and in speak and of Character here, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, Religion in Africa today, does too perceive in all, African lives that is, and as said to speak, and of Psycho-Somasis for instance [and of what too, Misery, Sadness, or Sorrow, are all too said to be, and if not in speak and of what Victory, and the Victor too, are too said all about], but that in all again, speak too, and of what the Opening up, Embracing or Awakening, and to life, are too all said to be all about, and if not in speak and of what they do term Realization in itself, and as said too leading, and to speak too of what does speak and of the Fathomable that is. 

In all, the above, and in speak too and of what Direction, and Alignment too, are in all even said to be all about, does now too, associate everyday African Experiences in all, and with speak too and of Sensualism [often too said Egyptian], Sexualism [often believed said African], and if not of Sentimentalism [often said too Indian], and as with it all even said to speak, and of what did pass for Victorian/Colonial lives, and in said Colonial Kenya too that is. 

In finality though, all the above, can too be said to lead, and to one said thing: the very search, and for what they do call/term Ori that is. That Ori, is believed said to speak, and of that said thing, that is believed said within us all, and that does too explain  andf or our very said existence in itself, for what it is, does though, remain unknown to most, and if not all too, and in now too associating it all, and in speak and of the very name of Saint Augustine of Hippo, and as said to refer, or speak too of the very belief that, Man, is too simply said spirit, and matter too that is.

of Ori.