Friday 9 October 2015

the Vanguard: a Treatise on the Fight

the African Vanguard: an African Treatise on the Fight.

If it can be said that, Africans, are in all even deemed Inferior to others, and not said Heathen or Primitive too, is to then refer, and to the said belief, that, Africans, have in all even failed and in truly defining themselves, and in speak now and of what does pass for Sufferance, and if not in speak and of what is said Pain, Struggle, or Agony in itself too that is. That said African societies, are now too believed to evolve, and in said manners too in all, and that do speak, and of their said not defining themselves properly, or truly too, and in speak and of Sufferance that is [that African Religious Beliefs, are not believed said Primitive, or Heathen too, and in said comparison and to said African Materiality too for instance, but that Africans in all, have in all even failed to properly define themselves that is, and in speak too now and of, and of what society, is and in all even, said to be that is].

In however now saying that, the above is not actually true, and of the said African Condition, is to now too say that, Sufferance, and which too, is said the very manner in all, most outside Africa, do in all even live their lives by, does too and in all, equate, and to speak too of Torture, or of the Torturous too, and in now associating, Africa, and with speak and of life, and as said too based on, or said too grounded in all, and in speak, and of what Purity, and Purification too, are said to be.

That in understanding the above, and in said Evolutionary terms too, is to now simply equate life in Africa, and in regard and to speak of Purification, and of Purity too, and with speak too of the following: the Selfish Gene vs. the God Gene, [Link], the Crucifix, [Link], and if not of said Esu too that is: [Link].

In now saying that, the question of Taboo, and in said comparison and to speak of the Law, does in all even remain or stand, is to now associate the latter, the Law, and with speak too of Elders, and of just whom and in all again, Africans, are said to be, and in said Obsession too that is (that Africa, is too said home, and to the Psychological Disorder, and that is too simply termed OCD that is), but in all again, and in speak and of the former, of Taboo, speak now and of Ancestors, and of African Perceptions, and of what Possession, or the said State of being Possessed, is said to be all about.

In saying that, there are those in Africa, still too very much said even, Obsessed, and with life, or society too, outside Africa that is, is to now too, simply ground speak of life in itself, and in speak and of what Trust in itself too, is simply said to be. That the World outside Africa, and at its said best too, can too be said Egyptian, for it all, does too speak, and of the Serpent, and in Myth too, and as said even, and to speak of life in itself, and as said defined and in speak too of Trust in itself, and if not in speak of Treachery in itself too that is. That Africa, outside Egypt, can too now be said truly defined, and in Trust, and by speak too and of the (Puff) Adder that is, for the Adder and in Myth, can too be said to speak of Trust in itself, and in said speak of Derision in itself too that is, the Derisory, and if not of said Detriment in itself too that is. 

In now equating all the above, and to speak of life in Africa, and as simply said equated in all, and to speak too and of the Fight, is to now speak too, and of those who do equate life in itself, and with the said search too, and for the Individual Experience, and as said too, defining one, and as said Distinct, Unique or Singular too, and if not and as simply said Distinguished too, and in speak now and of the African, and as simply too said truly defined in all, and in speak and of the said Spiritual Condition in itself too that is [or of the said search for Meaning, Purpose, Relevance, Satisfaction, Glory etc.].